How to improve Sleep? Top 7 steps to follow for better sleep.

In this article, we wish to share with you some of the experts' personal nighttime routines, which they have inculcated over a period of time focusing on quick, deep, and pleasant sleep. We firmly believe that the way we prepare for sleep decides the quality of our sleep and consequently how energetic we wake up the next day.



Step 1: Get Relieved From Stress

So after you are done with your day, try to go out on your balcony or anywhere under the moonlight for some time. This will help you relieve the stress of a tiring day. It reduces stress and cools down the body conducive. Sometimes you may go out for a little stroll.



Step 2: Simple Home Remedies

The next thing that you can do is go to the kitchen and have milk. Warm milk has sedative properties that help you calm down preparing you better for sleep. Be sure that when referring to milk, it's the Desy Cow Milk. Keep on changing the way you prepare it depending upon your mood and season.

One of the easiest yet so delicious Golden Spice Milk will be a great choice. Take about 200 ml of milk in a cast iron kadhai with a flame on low. Remember that milk prepared in iron kadhai digests better. Then one by one keep adding your favorite spices. Starting with turmeric then goes in cardamom, cinnamon steak, cloves, and a little black pepper. That is it. Once it boils, strain out the spices, and your frothy spiced milk gets ready. The warmth of these spices tastes just amazing.



Step 3: Use Some Fragrance

After going into your bedroom, the first thing that you can do is set the tone for deep sleep by inducing some fragrance. You can use an essential oil diffuser which you can fill with almost 90% water and then five to six drops of essential oil. It creates an aromatic atmosphere within 10 minutes. The best thing about using essential oil fragrances is that it has therapeutic value as well. Plus a nice table lamp. Lavender, sandalwood, and Jasmine are some essential oils especially recommended for inducing sleep.



Step 4: Aromatherapy 

Aromatherapy is an elaborate healing practice. After slowly finishing the milk, take a diary and spend just about 5 to 10 minutes writing something. Maybe an experience that you feel is worth remembering, any insight that you might have had on that particular day, or even a creative idea for your upcoming events. Just scribble about anything that's on your mind. Next, try reading a book of positive thoughts. Reading a book like this before sleeping calms your mind and also instills your subconscious with profound spiritual thoughts. Spend about 15 to 30 minutes depending on the day.

Step 5: Clean Your Face

The next thing that you can do is go to the washroom and wash your face. Fill your mouth full of water and splash water on the eyes as it relaxes them almost instantly. Post this, clean your teeth using tooth powder and scrape your tongue for oral health. Then also wash your feet. It eases the whole body just like that. Then after drying your feet with a towel, take some sesame oil and massage them for a couple of minutes. You might be amazed to know that your feet have some points that are connected to your head. When you massage them you feel light and sleepy. Don't believe it? Try getting an Acupressure foot massage someday. You might actually doze off.

Step 6: Practice Trataka

Trataka is a yogic purification technique that involves staring at one point. In your case the flame of the lamp. It increases concentration ability, strengthens the eyes and has some other amazing benefits. Spend about five to 10 minutes and then close your eyes to meditate. Try to remain aware of every inhalation and exhalation. Then meditate for about 20 minutes, sometimes less and sometimes even more. After meditating, you are almost ready to fall asleep. You can sleep on the mat and sometimes on the bed. In summers, it is preferred to sleep outside under the stars with a pedestal fan and a mosquito net.



Step 7: Put Eye Drops

Just before sleeping, put a drop of ghee in each of your eyes, especially on those days when you had spent 12 hours straight in front of the laptop. It cleanses and gives a cooling effect to the eyes naturally. Some other days, you may even practice Nasya Kriya by putting a drop of ghee or a medicinal oil like Anutailam in each of your nostrils. Then practicing affirmations for about a couple of minutes in your mind, feed your subconscious with positive thoughts, and with a slight awareness of your breath, and doze off almost instantly. With your head pointed in the east direction.  Sleep on the left side as it helps digest the food better. This holistic routine not only induces deep sleep faster but more importantly when you wake up the next day you feel fresh and energetic.


So this is the complete before-bed routine. At first glance, you might find it overwhelming, but do not consider it as a hard and fast routine for yourself though it hardly takes 90 minutes to go through it. And honestly, look forward to it every day. Plus, this completely avoids you from that long phase of tossing and turning in the bed trying to sleep. You can however cherry-pick and incorporate the steps that you find feasible. Having said this, I admit that there are days in my life when I'm not able to follow it completely. But that's okay for most of the days I stick to it. I hope you found this article helpful. If yes then please share this article with your friends as much as you can because this will encourage us to create more content like this in the future. 


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