Top 8 best tips to get highly productive sleep !!

1. Avoid Screen Time 1 hour before going to bed!

The majority of our electronic devices such as Mobiles, T.V, and Laptop emits blue light which put a strain on our eyes and causes irritation of eyes.

So, it’s better to avoid watching a screen or at least use the reading mode which is available on most of the devices before 1 hour to sleep.

A girl using phone at night.


2. Eat Light!

We know that the food we intake before going to bed may affect our sleep. When you eat heavy food, it will take time for your digestive system to digest it and absorb it.

So, consider taking light meals containing high fats could enhance a deeper and more peaceful sleep.

Eating food


3. Read a Book!

We already know the importance of reading books. Also reading a physical book instead of a soft copy will help to increase serotonin levels and hence increase the sleep quality and relax our brain.

It actually distracts your brain from other problems in your life and makes you focus on a new topic of the book, hence relaxing your brain and enhancing sleep quality.

Man reading book before sleep


4. Adjust the temperature!

We know our body temperature cools down when we are at rest and it rises when we are actively doing any work. According to studies, the ideal temperature to have a peaceful sleep is 15-19 degrees Celsius for adults.

So, try to adjust your room temperature to somewhat cold conditions, so you can have better sleep.

Optimum Temperature for sleep


5. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine strictly!

We eat dark chocolates to avoid sleep during exams or to stay awake at late night. It contains caffeine which acts as a stimulant and hence increases sleeplessness.

Alcohol too has similar effects on our body and hence must be avoided completely to have peaceful sleep.

Man drinking coffee


6. Take a shower before your sleep!

Surprised? But yes, taking a warm bath or shower before 1-2 hours before sleep actually helps to have a peaceful sleep.

After bathing, our body tries to lower the body temperature and that’s circadian for your good night's sleep.

We feel fresh and serotonin helps to sleep deeply. 



7. Make it a routine!

On weekends, we don’t go to bed till late at night and sleep till noon. It seems a small thing. But harms your sleep by disturbing your biological clock of the body in the long run.

So, it’s better to go to bed at the same time every day, even on holidays and weekends. It will help your body to develop good sleep patterns.

Clock showing time


8. Listen to Music!

Soft music such as classical music will relax your mind and keep you away from depression. It also enhances your sleep quality and improves sleep efficiency.

Listening to ocean waves before sleeping is one of my favorite music to sleep peacefully.

sleeping girl listening to music


Hope you liked my article about the top 8 best ways to get highly productive sleep.

For more info, visit:

Wikipedia, Healthline, WebMD

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MBBS 2nd Year student, passionate reader, chess player