Tossing and turning is frustrating, and the lack of shut-eye can lead to health problems like an expanding waistline, high blood pressure, and an altered mood.

The basics of sleeping are: well-eat light, loose nightclothes, have a comfortable bed, and comfortable temperature to get the quality 7-8 hours of deep slumber.

But research suggests that there are foods that help as well as those which disrupt quality bedtime sleep. Here’s knowing more.





We have all heard of warm milk’s ability to send us off to dreamland, haven’t we? A sleep-promoting substance called tryptophan is found in dairy products. Other good sources include nuts, honey, and eggs.




Bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium, which helps to relax overstressed muscles. They are a source of tryptophan, which converts to melatonin and serotonin, the brain's main calming hormones.




Yes, for good sleep avoid all caffeine in the evening hours. But the exceptions are some decaf varieties that can help you to sleep mode like Chamomile tea and green tea which contains theanine, which helps promote sleep.




Carbohydrate-rich foods help boost tryptophan in the blood. S a few good late-night snacks might include a bowl of cereal and milk, nuts and crackers, or bread and cheese.




Eating salmon for dinner is good because it contains a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce surges of stress hormones and promotes restfulness according to experts.



Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, which helps in relaxing muscles and nerves and aids digestion and circulation. They are also a good source of carbs. Another good source of potassium includes regular potatoes and papaya.




Try snacking on a handful of almonds before bed as they contain magnesium and can help ease you in a better night's sleep. They also contain protein, which helps in maintaining a stable blood sugar level while sleeping.




Chickpeas which are also called garbanzo beans have vitamin B-6, which our body uses to produce serotonin, stress buster, and a mood elevator. This vitamin helps in synthesizing melatonin, our body’s main sleep hormone. Try adding garbanzo beans to a healthy salad, but plan ahead as the high level of protein in beans can give you gas, which can disrupt your sleep.




Limit High Fat Foods

Research shows that people who eat high-fat foods gain weight and their sleep cycles tend to get disrupted. The reason is that a heavy meal activates digestion, which can lead to going multiple times to the bathroom at night.




Alcohol is known to give sleepless nights as one can wake up often tossing and turning, and even having headaches, night sweats, and nightmares. Avoid alcohol 4 to 6 hours before bedtime as it will lead to a good night's sleep.



Don’t smoke to relax

Many people like to have a smoke before going to bed. However, nicotine is a stimulant, with effects similar to caffeine. It is best to avoid smoking before bedtime or if you wake up in the middle of the night.



Heavy, Spicy foods

A full belly can make lying down uncomfortable since the digestion system slows down when you sleep. It can also lead to heartburn. So it is better to eat light and at least 4 hours before bedtime.




Having known the right Do’s and Don’ts foods as stated above, take the action of getting good sleep which can lead you a fit and healthy life.

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I am a digital marketer and content writer. I have blogs on health and education niches.

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