Top 15 tips for better sleep

Top 15 tips for better sleep




What is sleepy first?*





In simple language, the time of complete rest of the body after exhaustion of the day is called sleep.   


You will all know the benefits of sleep, and you will feel it every day. Those whose sleep is complete every day and whose sleep is incomplete, they know the importance of sleep.

So our article today is for those friends who are unable to sleep and who sleep less. So know what to do for better sleep?


1) First of all, we should make a complete time table of our sleep and wake up and follow it strictly

Every person knows how many hours he feels better after sleeping

So that you can set the time table accordingly. And most of the people who try to sleep fast get complete sleep


So this is our first point, which is very important. 


2) Never sleep on an empty stomach

Often, an empty stomach is also the cause of sleeplessness. And it is important to have a good sleep. 


3) Your mealtime should be a few hours before sleep. For example 2 and 3 hours ago


4) If you have a habit of sleeping during the day, then stop it because you also know that if you sleep during the day, you cannot sleep at night.


5) If you like milk, you should drink milk before going to bed at night. Good sleep helps milk


6) Daily exercise is also helpful for better health and better sleep.

If you do not have an interest in exercise, you can also do yoga.


7)If you are daily 9 or 5 hardworking, then take a break and work so that your mind remains calm.


8) Stay away from mobile TV or any electronic equipment before sleeping at night. TV and mobile are the addiction equipment for the time pass, so it should not be close to sleep time.




9) If you have a habit of drinking coffee, reduce it. 


10) If you do not sleep for 10 to 15 minutes, then get into the habit of writing or reading, which will keep you busy.



11) If you consume any kind of medicine, then stop taking unencapsulated medicine after taking your doctor's advice.



12) If you are worried about something, then try to solve it and don't think about it.



13) Bathing before going to sleep also leads to good sleep. If possible, it should also thrive. 



14) Stop if you consume alcohol or smoking because Smoking Habit does not cause hunger and sleep, and One can get two very good sleep with alcohol, but he does not work again and again and is not good for the body.







15) The most important point is that you are positive, it will be very helpful for you to sleep well.





If you follow all these tips, you will get good results. It is important to try; if you do not try, nothing will be achieved and always be positive. Every problem has its solution, just need to change our way of thinking.      


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