As we know, in today's world, the main problem of students is how to concentrate on their studies. They have many sources of distraction that do not let them study. And one if that source is a mobile phone. Even though there's online study nowadays, students should learn from books too. They should make handwritten notes of their chapters instead of learning written notes from mobile phones as learning from mobiles will damage your eyes.

They should keep their phone switched off while studying. You will say that you have to depend on Google to search for some tricky words, but you can save a dictionary with you instead. Study in the morning is also a great way. As there is a new environment in the morning, this will help to study with concentration, and you will be able to do hard work.



There are some other tips too which will help you to study hard:-

-> Keep your favorite eatable item in front of you and make a target that only after completing one chapter will you be able to eat the one. This will help you to do work faster and successfully. 

-> On your study table, paste a paper in which your dream work is written. This will help you a lot to complete work. When you sit for studying, you will remember your aim in life; then you will do your work with enthusiasm.

-> Don't take study as stress; enjoy studying and try to find the logic in your mind and then check it in your book. Could you take it as fun?


-> Make handwritten notes of every chapter and study from that notes. This will help you learn quickly.

-> Stay in a peaceful environment while studying so no other noise can distract you.

-> Never keep mobile with you while studying; it will distract you as students pick a phone for finding a word on google and end up playing games and doing time passes. So keep your phone switched off while studying.

-> Some facts say that drinking tea or coffee while studying will help to focus more.
‌    These are some of the tips which will help you to concentrate on study. And keep in mind some points which will let you learn the facts, these are:-

-> Always take 5 minutes to break after studying for 1 hour. If you check continuously, then you will forget all the things which you have learned.

-> NEVER CRAM! I said never cram. Just understand the facts you are studying and write those in your language; this will help to understand more.

Must try these tips while studying. Don't take study as a burden. Please take it as a game that you have to complete and do it with joy and with the new freshness; you will learn something new. Students today are the future of our country, so study hard and be a good human being. 

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