7 Unique Methods to Study

"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do."-Benjamin S Pock. 

Fate comes by chance, not a success. Success requires hard work. It is a test of your perseverance, efforts, and patience.  Your efforts are tested in the examination and thus preparing for any exam is tough but smart work. There is a range of things that you can follow and get success.  When you actually start working hard, your mind will give hundreds of excuses not to do them. Tell your mind one thing very clearly and loudly "Now or Never". Learn some unique study techniques given here and keep doing them persistently.



1. Parkinson's Law :

According to this law if a person is given a week to complete a task should really only take a day or two to finish. They often end up unsuccessfully stretching out the task so that it will take them the whole week to complete it. There is a tendency to take advantage of extra time or resources. People really don't need it and even it doesn't lead to better performance. So First try to determine how much time it should take to m\complete the task to complete and complete it within that time frame.



2.Pomodoro Method :

The technique uses breaks to breakdown the work into intervals. Say  25 minutes in length separated by a short break of 5 minutes, known as Pomodoro. It goes like this: Choose a lesson(task), set the timer for 25minutes, work with full concentration and avoid checking of timings, when the timer goes off take 5 minutes break. Don't just peep in the mobile immediately in the break, use the time to stretch the body or some eye exercises. After 4 pomodoros you can take a long break of 30 minutes. 



3. SQ3R Method 

Survey: Scan the complete text, check the chapters, sections, graphs. It is an Overview of the task. 

Questions: Make Your questions, Check What you already know, and check what you need to learn. 

Read:  Read the text actively, while keeping the questions in your mind. 

Recite: Summarize it, repeat in your own words.




They help to memorize facts quickly and process and store information in Long Term Memory. You can have a question on one side and an answer on the other side. 



5. Audio recording:

Definitions, formulas, or some technical answers need to lear byheart. You can record them in your own voice and listen to them whenever possible.



6.Mind map, Tree Diagram & Making Poem

A mind map is a visual image of your text. Take a central subject and organize your notes around this subject.

A Tree diagram is simply a way of representing a sequence of events, each branch can be labeled at the end.

 Make poems of your main points with rhyming words. Rhyming words lead to better retention  eg. "12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, using different units is not too hard"



7.Learn While sleeping :

The Hypothalamus and Neocortex of the brain consolidate all the information when you are in sleep. When you feel drowsy,  you may find it difficult to remember, still read the answer you want to learn. Go to sleep peacefully and the next morning when you get up from the bed reread it. You will find the answer is learned better. 

Always give positive autosuggestions to yourself and visualize each step of your struggle and also a success.  Remember Long lasting success needs deep preparation 


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