Yoga for Hair Growth

Asanas for Hair Growth!

Hair fall and Hair Growth problems are increasing day by day. Having healthy and black thick hair is a dream for all of us. Doing and performing yoga every day will improve your hair growth and also will keep your overall health in check. Here are some best Yoga Asanas for hair problems.

1) Sarvangasana /shoulder stand pose: Lie down on your back and breathe normally. Slowly raise your legs till the face the ceiling or the sky. Your body should rest on your shoulder and back of the neck. Your hands should be on the center of the spine to give support to your body. Legs and spine should be straight. 

2) Shirshasana / head stand pose:Invert your body and stand on your head slowly. Give support with your forearms by placing your hands on back side of your head. For beginners you can take wall support to perform this Asana. Always take guidance while performing this Asana. 

3) Padahastasana: Stand with your legs close to each other. Bend down through your trunk, so that your head touches the knees. Try to touch your head to the knees. 

4) Shasangasana /Rabbit pose: This is the best and most popular yoga poses to reduce hair fall problems. For doing this yoga pose you need to bend your knees first and then lean forward so that your head reaches your knees. Try to touch your feet. Be careful when you flex and begin with slowly flexing.

5) Adhomukha-Savasana /downward dog facing pose: Stand straight and then slowly bend and reach the floor with your hands. The distance between the hands and the feet should be little more. Insert your head or face your head, towards your head making it reach maximum towards the feet. The primary purpose is to put the head on the floor in the reverse position.

These asanas helps to promote hair growth as they allow the blood to flow in reverse direction. By doing these Asanas the blood flows in the direction of our head thus increasing blood flow inside our brain promoting heair growth.

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