Why mental health is very important ?

What people think about mental health 

In our society, people who have a conservative mind are not properly aware of mental health. They think if a person is physically healthy, he is healthy in all respects. He does not need any more help, which is really wrong thinking. If a person is suffering from any kind of mental disease, he can not be happy anymore, and if a person can not be happy he can not be healthy anymore. 

What kind of mental illness people can have

Nowadays most of our young generation, as well as the people of middle age, are suffering from depression and anxiety. This illness also has symptoms like any kind of physical illness. People often suffered from these. Since their knowledge about this illness is not so good, they can't diagnose them. 

What is depression 

Depression is one kind of mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. 

Symptoms of depression: feeling anxious, helpless, hopeless, alone, having low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, feeling like no one loves you. 

Causes of depression: while we don't know exactly what causes depression. But a number of thinks often linked to its development like family issues, personal problems, drug, and alcohol use, lack of love and care, being alone and so on. 

What is anxiety 

Anxiety is a feeling that leads a person to overthink. If a person is suffering from anxiety, he always keeps himself punishing without any reason. It is a feeling of worry or fear. For example, you may feel worried about setting an exam or having an interview. 

Symptoms of anxiety: chest pain, asthma, diarrhea, feeling like everything is going to be finished, and so on. 

Causes of anxiety: overthinking, always thinking about future, heart attack, the stress of the workplace, the stress of financial problems, death of a loved one, and so on. 

What we need to do to maintain our mental health 

If we want to keep our mind fresh, we have to share our problems with someone. That can be our parents, friends, our loved one, or a stranger. Parents should be more supportive of their children. Most parents give less attention to their children when they feel sad or depressed. Not being able to share with anyone makes them more sad and depressed. Due to this, the level of suicide is increasing. We also take regular therapy or do yoga and meditation to heal our mind. 

Be positive, think positive. Life will be very beautiful. Always trust in Lord. Parents is the most important thing in anyone’s life. So, we have to share our feelings with our parents. No one can understand us better than our parents. If we can overcome our mental issues we can be physically fit. We have to say our prayers. Prayer can make a person's mind fresh and helps him to overcome mental issues.

God bless us all.

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