Surya namsakar- step by step guide,its contradicts & benefits || Surya namaskar(sun salutation)will make you fit and boost your immunity system

What is surya Namaskar Or sun salutation? 


Surya namaskar(sun salutation) 


Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is an exercise as well as a process, by practicing it your body and mind relaxes completely. Your body remains healthy. Your body opens up. Your nerves & veins start to work properly. So, this is the kind of exercise where no body-part is left which doesn't get involved in this exercise. Each body part gets exercised and refreshed.

                              Surya Namaskar is a set of 12 exercises and is called Sun salutation. Many people tell reasons for the set of 12 exercises because there are 12 hours in a day & night. Then the Sun has 12 different positions, some people refer to it as the Sun has 12 horses. So this set is related somehow like this. This is just a matter of faith but otherwise, these 12 exercises relax your body completely.
                             Also in this your start and end position are the same. This is like a clock, just like after a day is passed, the Sun assumes its initial position. similarly, in this exercise, you reach back to your initial position after each set. If you keep doing this continuously, you feel very good.This is very soothing & relaxing. Anyone can do it. Sun is for everyone and anyone from any religion can worship it. There is nothing bad in doing it, if it is improving your body as well as your devotional goals are also meeting. Although some people do it with the recitation of Mantras (sacred utterance) and others follow some other rituals, let me tell you that even if you do it without any ‘mantra’ but you do it daily and with complete commitment and full focus of body & mind then it will benefit you a lot.

Benefits of doing Surya Namaskar(sun salutation) 

                Surya namaskar(sun salutation) is useful in all types of diseases, especially to improve body mass and strengthen the muscles & nerves. The person who practice sun salutation in the morning then whether he practices any other exercises or not his problems related to physical fitness gets cured. Some people say, “we don’t want to go to the gym & want to connect with Yoga but we want to keep our body fit (structured), so please tell us some exercises which make us sweat like gym and we get a full-body workout.” So, for this, there is nothing better than Sun salutation. If you do it daily then it is very beneficial.

Surya Namaskar Contradiction

(1) Heart, spinal or any other bone or wrist issues related patients
should consult a doctor before doing Sun Salutation.
(2) People having high blood pressure and hernia need to avoid this sequence.
(3) Pregnant women should not practice Sun Salutation.
(4) It's good to consult doctor before doing this sequence if anyone have any health related problems.


1. Pranamasana(prayer pose)

Mantra - Om Mitraaya Namaha

  Stand upright on a yoga mat with feet closely aligned with each other.

• Take a deep breathe expand your chest,and  relax your shoulders.

•  While you inhale, raise your arms and as you exhale, fold the hands in prayer position before your heart.

      It is the first namaskar towards the sun.

2. Hastauttasana(Raised arm pose)

Mantra - Om Ravaye Namaha

Stand straight, raise your arms and look up.

•Stretch your back and straighten your spine.
make sure your feet remain on the ground and you have a proper balance.

3.Hastapadasana(standing forward bend)

mantra - Om Suryaye Namaha

Bend forward and touch your toes with your fingers.

•If you can’t, touch your toes without bending your knees, bend your knees to touch down your toes, but keep your spine straight.

•Press onto your heels softly so that your body weight is distributed evenly

4.Ashwasanchalasana(Equestrian pose)

mantra - Om Bhanaave Namaha

•Breath in and push your right leg as far back as possible

•Touch the floor with your left knee and bend the left knee at ninty degrees angle.

•Balance your body on toes while distributing your weight evenly and slowly raise your head to look up.

5. Dandasana(stick pose)

Mantra - Om Khagaya Namaha 

•Step your left leg back and form the plank pose.

•Focus on your shoulders, elbows and wrists as they must remain perpendicular to the floor.

•Straighten your back and bring your whole body in a straight line to get ultimate benefits from chaturanga dandasana.

6. Ashtanga Namaskar(salute with eight points or parts)

Mantra - Om Pooshne Namaha

•Form the plank pose and drop your knees to the floor.

•Lower your chin down to the floor, landing your shoulders right over your hand.

•Keep your your elbows hugging into your sides.

7. Bhujangasana(cobra pose)

Mantra - Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha

•Lie down on your belly and touch your chin on to the floor.

•Keep your hands close to the body with your palms touching the floor and straighten your legs.

•Slowly straighten your arms to lift your chest up from the floor following your upper back.

8. Adho Mukha savasana(downward facing )

Mantra - Om Mareechaye Namaha

•Push down on your heels and lift your hips and tailbone up towards the ceiling.

•Touch the ground with your palms to form an inverted V.

9.Ashwa sanchalasana(equestrian pose)

Mantra - Om Adityaaya Namaha

•Inhale while stepping out your right foot forward  placing it rightly between the two hands and right calf perpendicular to the floor.

•Place the left knee on the floor.

•Raise your face and look up while pressing the hips down.

10. Padahastasana(standing forward pose)

Mantra - Om Savitre Namaha

•Gently bring your right foot next to your left foot.

•Keeping the position of your hands intact, lift your body upward and slowly come into an Hasta Padasana Posture.

11. Hasta Uttanasana(Raise arm pose)

Mantra - Om Arkaaya Namaha

•Take a deep inhalation, stretch your arms up overhead, slightly arch your back.

•Then stretch your body upward instead of backward and keep your biceps close to your ears.

12. Tadasana(mountain pose)

Mantra - Om Bhaskaharaya Namaha

•Finally, exhale, bring your arms down and stand upright in a relaxed manner.

•Feel the positive vibrations within your body and mind. Experience an unparalleled serenity and refreshment.

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