Multitalented Robot

Hugo, a humanoid robot, is a firdt for the Dutch hospitality industry. The robot, who is currently active at the Hampshire Hotel  -  The Manor Amsterdam, was acquried from Blegian firm QMBT Creative Solution and is wowing guest and passerby alike.

     Hugo, physique, all fifty-seven centimeters of it in height, is advanced as can be. He is fully equipped with a battery, microphones, speakers, lights, a voice and operates through the use os a Linux computer system i  the brain and body. However, Hugo, is not all metal and robust plastics. He serves a great purpose at the Hampshire Hotel and is multi-skilled. At reception he welcome guests (in any of the nineteen language he speak), take their passports when checking in, presents them with their room cards, answers any tourist-related questions and wishes them a pleasant stay in fact Hugo can even recognize guests for a period of use to six months through the use of two cameras and facial recognition software. And when he's not attending to guests, he's giving co-workers a high-five or conducting powerpoint presentations when propped up on a conference table, of course. Yet this Robot is not all work and no play. Hugo has been programmed to preform the song Gangnam style and has soe impressive and human like, head-turning moves with flashing light and eye movement to boot. These moves are particularly entertaining to both children and adults who arrive as guests at the hotel. The fact that Hugo can do an entire, very life-like dance is quite remarkable since the programming of a single arm movement take around a week to complete. All in all, responses to Hugo the Robot have been described as endearing and people are particularly curious as to the possibilities this kind of Technology can afford. At the same time, the same overlook it as just another gimmick and an expensive one at that, costing in the region of 10,000.

  Multitalented Hugo Robot

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