Money versus Fame

In the word of poet Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib 

"thousands of such desires each worth dying for"

"many of them I have realized yet I yearn for more"

Ladies and gentlemen if we compare money and fame then I believe the comparison might not be fair until we look into where these both are rooting from. The money I believe is a necessary evil. Money is never enough. Our needs might get fulfilled but the society we live in presents desires in such a way that they tend to feel like needs therefore one needs more money to keep flowing in the cycle of life. 

When we put fame in contrast to money it acquires a secondary value as your needs are not being fulfilled and your bills aren't being paid. Most of us want to be famous to be rich but given the opportunity, none of us would deny either one of these two (fame and money). 

Being rich has its perks, one can buy the light of fame. But according to Karl Marks's theory if there is a concentration of money in hands of a particular social group then there's another group of people whose needs are being neglected. Thats the catch behind money

Fame in reference to money is easier to acquire and if you are persistent enough you can monetize it as well. As easy as it is to get it is at the risk of being lost because there can always be someone who could be better at what you do or what you're famous for. I don't have any particular bias against both these, it is just that I am a firm believer in this quote by Charlette Gray

Success isn't fame or money or the power

to bewitch it is to have created 

Something valuable out of 

your own individuality

This quote reminds me of our national hero Abdul Satar Edhi. He was known to be the richest poor man. His money wasn't something made out of paper but rather all the food things he did for the society.

Both money and fame are volatile as well as relative. Social media platforms have made it very easy for one to be famous. We all can take the example of Arshad Khan the 'Chai Wala' where is he now. 

Being famous or having a spotlight does also has its drawbacks. Nothing you do remains private, people become critical of all your actions and eventually you become critical to oneself too. The responsibility that comes along with the growing influence has its own pressure. As it is said that

"Something happens to people around fame money and power it brings out the

worst and the best in them

The list of all this discussion is that with money and fame as a public figure one can do great things. Take Imran Khan, for example, he created 'Shoukat Khanum" the best cancer hospital in Pakistan just by using the fame he acquired playing cricket.

So youth should realize that both fame and mone are volatile. Instant fame or fame or money or success don't happen overnight so one should strive to achieve his or her goal whatever it may be.

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