Its not enough

It starts with a little common feeling of us that one day I will become this after getting graduated from this University. But Do it actually exists or this is just a feeling of us that we use to manipulate our mind that we are on a safe journey where we will always be in the same comfort likewise we are now. I mean how can we neglect the present situation of the world.

Most of the people we saw on roads selling fruits, flowers, toys etc are not educated but still feeding themselves easily maybe they are not having a limited environment or they have a broad understanding for the value of money or they just know the endpoint of being hungry rather than a qualified,  well-educated person who just wants to work in an air conditioned cubical environment where he/she works on a computer in 9-5 job of an organization. But here there is a drastic channge in reality and dreams. Not everyone is getting a job after completing their studies because the requirements are just few and the supply is in masses. So what is the solution of his problem of our system ,maybe the candidate is not able to perform skills that are required in the job or he is havibg only a degree in his hands ..these voids we need to fill..we need to think this and make people aware of pros and cons of doing any degree of their professions without having skills to perform their tasks.




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