5 easy tips that can reduce hair loss in 10 days

Hairfall/ hair loss and combination pattern baldness are both of great concern to men. It is absolutely true that hair loss cannot be stopped at all, but there are definitely measures by which the rate of hair loss can be reduced.

That's why in this article I will give information about 5 easy remedies to reduce hair loss in 10 days. You will also be able to reduce the problem of hair loss easily by adopting these measures.


1. Adopt home remedies

In most cases, the cause of rapid hair loss is chemical hair care products. If you want to see safe hair on your head, stop using chemical-based hair care products immediately.

Instead of these, you can adopt home remedies for hair care. Home remedies to prevent hair fall are not only traditional but also tried. If these measures are followed according to the hair type, then hair loss can be prevented easily.

2. Hot oil massage

Warm oil massage not only keeps the hair soft but also reached proteins and nutrition to their roots. Rotating the fingers in the head increased the blood flow in the hair, due to which the strength os hair roots increased.

Therefore, if you want to keep your hair healthy and prevent it from falling, then at least twice a week, get hot oil massage.

3. Quit Smoking

Cigarettes release large amounts of nicotine and harmful substances in your body, due to which many problems start to occur in the body. If leaving cigarettes seems so difficult then you can also take the help of Yoga. If you are not able to give up cigarettes completely, then do at least that much to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke daily.

4. Use Hairbrush

Hairbrushes are just as comfortable as combing hair. But the teeth of the comb are very sharp from below, due to which the problem of hair breakage and loss starts to increase considerably.

On the other hand, if you talk about hairbrushes, then using them is much easier and safer than combing. The hair-brush does not scrub the hair lie a comb, but lightly massages it. So if you too are losing hair fast, then it is time to say goodbye to the comb.

5. Massage with Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is also considered as the nectar of the earth. Aloe vera works well not only for hair but also for the skin. Aloe vera is rich in Vitamin E. This makes it not only protective but also a moisturizing layer in the hair.

To benefit from aloe vera gel, all you need to do is apply a little gel on your hair. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Later wash it with lukewarm water and remove it.

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