What is opinion of love ? Your love is true ?? Really???

Your love is true?

What is the opinion of love ....Love is true????


A short question .. 'What is love?

This is the question you are asking! However, "What is real love? Permenant... permenant .... 'What stopped?"' Can not say 'say! In fact, you are not the only one who can say that this is the perfect answer to this question ... no one can say.

Because everyone's love is the same, in love, everyone's feelings are the same. Based on those experiences, many people conclude that 'this is love.'


What exactly is love?

** To what extent it is correct to blame love if the man you love is away? Some people love to wake up and find out what they like.

** Others love helping in adversity. Others say it is love to help at every step. But 'freedom' precedes all of this.

** In love, true love is when our views, thoughts, and desires are free to express ourselves.

** And that freedom is something to think about between how many partners .. Freedom is needed "You do it '..' Walk as this .. talk like that '. Generation is often the same reason for arguments between partners.

** In the present generation, however, the list of restrictions is growing exponentially. But how can it be love if we do not have the freedom to speak and act as we do to the person we love? Our partners should think of ourselves.

** Why is it so natural to want to adapt to our mentality? Where? Starts. Love is not a right .. Freedom in love is disappearing due to the failure of love as an authority.


Most people have all the rights over the person they love. Is love wrong?

*** Breakup with a partner for various reasons. After that, some people put aside the people they love and curse love.

*** However, when they say the name of love, they look at the horse. Statements are passed that there is no real love. But, there is nothing wrong with love.

*** Loved people, situations encountered. Sometimes your behavior can also cause that breakup.

*** How correct is it to put everything aside and blame love? What if love does not give a second chance to that beautiful relationship? So give love another chance.

*** The effect is on the person's lifestyle, friend circle, habits, likes, and dislikes. So many people are not able to stay in Tamalav or Marriage as they like.

*** Of course, there is nothing wrong with compromising on certain things for the man you like.


How correct is it that we completely change ourselves? To what extent is it correct to expect a partner to behave as I like?

* * Say Happy All If No Real Expectations! Faith is the foundation. Along with freedom, trust and assurance are also strong foundations for love.

**  Wherever these are not, no matter how many heaps are built in mind, they will collapse like poker medals.

* *The bond takes a weakening. You need more than luck to succeed in the affiliate business, and you need more than luck to succeed in the affiliate business.

* *That's why this Valentine's Day is like giving your partner confidence, assurance, and freedom as a gift. Give it a try.

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