How to start loving yourself?

Hello everyone! Stay safe and stay home! 

Today I am writing about self-love, it's like watering our self to help us grow. True love will only start with yourself.

Have you heard a quote that " How can you love someone if you don't love yourself "? Yes, that's something serious to take. 

We spend a lot of time with our families, our colleagues, our friends and spend time for our work, etc. But the point is in our daily busy life it's really hard for a little time.

In our world population around 80 % of people may go through depression, so think about it now care for yourself, give some love to yourself. 



Here are some tips to take care of yourself:

•  Start your day with a smile, and say I Love you in front of a mirror, and that's called mirror magic. 

•  If you have 5 minutes time to meditate yourself, you can meditate anytime that's up to you. 

•  The music therapy is the coolest one, you will be better when you hear good music, it helps to stay being you. 

• Think about your positive side, how deservedly you are, how blessed you are.

• Everyone has a past that we don't want to remember or don't want to talk about it, keep it that way, don't turn around look forward and be positive for your future.

• Go on a date with yourself, spend some time shopping alone and for a long walk with good music. 

• Motivate yourself.

• The best part is taking care of your body too, we have a beautiful soul and our duty is to take care of our body too because that's the place where we live.

• Talk to yourself it is really very helpful to find ourselves.

• Create a good friendship with yourself. 

• And try to understand others too, don't take any hate to your beautiful heart. 

• At the end of the day think about what good things you did, how you spend your day if anything done wrong work it tomorrow. 



We are not born as perfect human beings. We are born with nothing, but we create our world by our self. 

Once you start loving yourself, you will change, and your surroundings too. So, respect others is also important, treat them with love and respect. 

If you lived for someone it will change it when you practice self-love. Living for yourself is also a part of self-love. 

Never fear of mistakes, mistakes make perfection, each mistake will give you a lesson. Stop judging others and avoid comparing with others. 

We may have some trust issues in our relationships and it is also trust issues is a part of self-love, trusting yourself helps to make a good decision without any doubts.

I once read a poem of a narcissist who fell in with himself madly, once he is sitting in a side of a river, he saw his own reflection on the river and he goes deep Into the river to find that beautiful person. So don't be a narcissist.

Be happy, stay healthy and safe friends. Thank you for reading my article.


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