What are we giving to our children in inheritance?

Many people say that our people are not civic sensations in people or less. But most of the fact that do not even know. The meaning of the Civic Sense is keeping cleaning, but to follow the formal laws, be presented concerning people, be sturdy, not to be bad, it is not bad, but it is also misbehaving with people while walking on the road. But we think that the trash is put in the way; this is not a conspiracy of the Sense. On any hand, there is no one to say the girl is a stranger.

Civic Sense is associated with our lives in every aspect. Two years of today was not so much population; this was not so much contact with the outside world. People were absorbed in their own world within their homes. Today people are mostly busy outside. The food out is eating more. The first people used to keep their homes, around them, keep themselves. Today, the food was found, which is not given great attention to where the roads keep the people and keep the empty packets thrown.

Ethical Musical in Children:- 

Today we have a very early effect on the world and Western Culture. Outside people are eating pizza, we also eat. But ignore good things there. Parents do not scold children; children are also like, which do not need to scold. Our child gets a lot of darkness. Small, garbage or toys here - throws there then No problem.  Later he wants to be scolded when he throws garbage on the road.  

For the next generation's sake: -

Earlier, there was neither so much population, nor vehicles, nor the smoke emanating from them spoiled the environment.  How badly is plastic today? Contaminated the atmosphere, noticed it with great delay?  If you were conscious from the beginning, it would not have been difficult to deal with it.  Our generation has been facing all kinds of pollution; we are handing it over to the next generation in heritage.  Our atmosphere in the Corona epidemic was cleared up because of vehicles and factories. 

You are a mirror: - 

When the child starts understanding or going to school, teach him through small things, stories.  By the age of seven, the child's brain observes everything.  Whatever you do, he will do the same.  If you are eating with the right hand, he will also eat with the right hand after seeing you; if you are eating with your left hand, he will also try with the left hand.  Cultivate good habits with humility, not by beating.  Parents treat friendly children as they grow up; this does not mean that children should say anything to their parents.  They should know their scope.  Therefore, you should present your conduct and behavior to them to try to be like you.  Work on your shortcomings as well.  Set an example in front of them. 

Care of elders: -

Regarding respecting elders or social behavior, the most effective way to teach children anything is to be an example of yourself.  If you are not treating your elders with dignity, treating parents, or in-laws poorly, then tomorrow, your child will respect you?  You will not show patience with children; you will lose control over small things; you will be like this if you get down to abuse and scuffle with someone.  They may also lack tolerance.  Tell the child to get up at six o'clock and keep himself asleep till nine o'clock; then, he will not listen to you.  You have to be their role model.

The main role of the mother: -

Where the children play, they leave the toys and leave.  The mother puts them in the right place.  If the child threw away the garbage, then you are cleaning; it is not right.  Teach them in the beginning.  Tell the children that there is a basket placed here, and you throw garbage in it.  Put toys in their proper place by playing—Wash hands before and after meals.  Tell the children how to keep their room, bed, wardrobe clean.  Teach these things to both girls and boys.  It should not happen that boys should get exemption in the name of being a son, and moral lessons should be kept for daughters only.  The boy will live his life better when he goes away from home for a job or studies.

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