What are the Nutrition Facts And Benefits Watermelon

Fewer Calories more Nutrients

The calories in watermelon are very low, and that, combined with the watermelon’s abundance of nutrients, makes it not just a tasty treat but also a healthy snack. Every day we hear more and more about the health benefits of fruit and vegetables, and the watermelon is very near the top of the list in terms of health benefits.

92% of Water

The calories in watermelon are quite low because watermelon is composed mainly of water (92%). One cup of diced watermelon contains 45 calories and is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. While some people decry the high carbohydrate content of the calories in watermelon, they are, in reality, quite low when compared with other snacks and desserts, such as granola bars or yogurt.

Low fat

On top of that, the calories in watermelon are nutritious ones. Because of its high water content, there are more nutrients per calorie in watermelon than in many other fruits. Watermelon is low fat, receiving only 1.9-percent of its calories from fat. In addition, watermelon is a high protein and contains micro and macronutrients, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and iron.

Contains Vitamin C and Vitamin A

If you ate two cups of watermelon chunks, you would only take in a total of 92 calories. The calories in watermelon would deliver to your body 25% of your recommended intake of vitamin C and 30% of the USDA recommendation for vitamin A. Another major health benefit is a watermelon’s content of lycopene, a phytonutrient, or anti-oxidant that can help prevent certain forms of cancer. Anti-oxidants neutralize the number of free radicals in your body so that they cannot cause cellular damage.

Best Weight Loss option

While some people dislike the fact that most of a watermelon’s calorie content comes from sugar, the truth is that the energy density of watermelon is very low. The more water content in a food, the lower its energy density. That means fewer calories per gram of food, and that the calories in watermelon will help you to feel full for a greater period of time, causing you to eat less and lose weight. Watermelon can be a very healthy addition to anyone’s weight loss program. Just bear in mind that just because watermelon is good for you, you should not eat a large amount at a time, or you will be taking in too many calories.

Watermelon Seeds with Higher Calories

While the calories in watermelon are not overly high, if you should switch from watermelon to dried watermelon seeds or watermelon juice, you will not experience the same low-calorie content.  Look at it this way: one cup of watermelon has 46 calories, a cup of dried watermelon seeds has 602 calories, and twelve ounces of watermelon juice has 165 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates. 

On the positive side, researchers at Hebrew University in Jerusalem are currently working on a low-calorie watermelon that has twenty to forty percent fewer calories than a normal one.

In conclusion, watermelon is not just a refreshing summer treat but also a good choice for eating healthy. It tastes great, plus it has high nutritive content.

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