Top 6 natural ways to have beautiful and youthful skin

There's also a connection between eating and beauty. Because beauty is about health. Beauty does not come only from caring for the skin. We get all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids from the foods we take in our daily routine. We need to keep our skin healthy.


Almond milk

Start your day with a cup of almond milk daily. Soak 3 almonds in water, peel and grind it on the next day and boil with milk. It is good to drink without adding sweets. You can add a little bit of sugar if you need dessert. Vitamin E in it helps to keep the skin dry and moisturised.

It also provides the calcium and vitamins your body needs. It is worth mentioning that coconut milk also gives beauty to your skin.



These would not be on the list of healthy food items. But know that these are better than beauty. From the top to the toes, they are healthy. Avocado helps to protect against all skin problems at all times.

Avocado is rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium and folate, which reduce bad fats and increase good fats. It is better to add avocado from time to time as it is richer in potassium than banana. The unsaturated fatty acids in it help to prevent the skin from being damaged by UV rays from the sun.



It contains more calcium than the fat in a skim milk. Calcium is important not only for strengthening the bones of the body but also for the nails and beautiful smile. Yogurt rich in calcium, phosphorus and protein can keep your teeth strong and beautiful by adding a cup to your daily diet. It can also prevent problems such as tooth decay, weak teeth and weak nails.



Walnut is on the list of foods that give more health and more beauty. Taking these regularly can give you all the benefits of smooth skin, shiny hair and firm bones. This walnut is rich in omega 3 fatty acids called good fat high protein ALA and can always give you good health.

Dry nuts are all high in healthy fats and proteins so they will always keep you beautiful.



Are you saying that we are adding tomatoes in our daily diet? But add more tomatoes in a different category. The beta carotene, lutein and lycopene in tomatoes help keep the skin safe. It plays a very important role in preventing aging on the face. Tomato is full of vitamin C which helps to prevent skin wrinkles.

To protect the skin, you can add more tomatoes to your diet. You can drink either in the form of tomato soup or else in the form of tomato juice which depends on you.


Green tea

A cup of green tea daily has been found to solve the overall problems of your skin. In one study, the skin of women who drank green tea for the three consecutive months went from dry to supple. Exfoliated skin had a glow. The skin regained it's lost color. It is good for your skin and it reduces wrinkles on your skin. 

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