What is the secret of Youthful and vibrant skin?


As people age, it's common that they begin to feel insecure about or start not to like certain aspects of themselves. We, as humans, don't look the same forever. When we begin to lose our youthful appearance, we often start to feel unhappy and seek various ways to restore our past appearance. Lack of aesthetic youthfulness goes beyond simply not liking the way we look. It becomes mildly psychological as it can impact our overall self-esteem. Men and women are both victims of not feeling their best due to their aging appearance. Typically this becomes an issue for people around the age of 50.


Does this sound familiar to you? Looking and feeling your best is essential, and that can sometimes be based on looking and feeling youthful and vibrant. When you look and feel your best, your entire life will benefit. You'll feel more confident when out with friends and family, you will succeed more in work, and you will feel greater security within yourself. If you are looking to feel more confident and happier, start making an active effort to feel more youthful and vibrant. However, you may be wondering, where do I start? Not to worry, this post will detail three must use aging skin care products that will allow you to feel and look your absolute best as you age.



Whether you are a middle-aged mother in a city, a new retiree in a small town, or a senior who has relocated to independent senior living in NJ, it's important to do all you can to feel and look youthful. Feeling youthful and vibrant will improve your overall quality of life and is worth taking the time to do. Likewise, feeling youthful and vibrant doesn't have to be challenging. It can be simple and can be done right at home. Forget about getting botox and plastic surgery to feel good. Consider the three must- use products below. 


Collagen for aging skin care


Collagen has vast health benefits when it comes to feeling and looking youthful and vibrant. What is collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is the major component of tissues that make up skin, muscles, and tendons. Your body must have the appropriate amount of collagen. It directly impacts your skin and bones, affecting the way you feel, look, and move. Some of the most significant benefits of collagen in regards to feeling and looking youthful and vibrant

Sunlight is a major cause of wrinkles, dryness, and age spots. Your skin does change with age. For instance, you sweat less which leads to increased dryness. Aging skin becomes thinner and loses fat, so it looks less plump and smooth. Underlying structures, veins and bones in particular, become more prominent. Your skin can also take longer to recover when injured.


These changes can be drastically delayed by staying out of the sun. Although nothing can totally undo sun damage, the skin sometimes can restore itself. So, it’s never too late to protect yourself from the harmful results of the sun.


5 Ways to Slow the Aging Process:


1. Wear protective clothing. A hat with a wide brim shades your neck, ears, eyes, and head. Look for sunglasses with a label saying the glasses block 99 to 100 percent of the sun’s rays. Wear loose, lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and long pants or long skirts when in the sun.


2. Check your skin often. Look for changes in the size, shape, color, or feel of birthmarks, moles, and spots. If you find any changes that worry you, see a doctor. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that older, fair-skinned people have a yearly skin check by a doctor as part of a regular physical exam.


3. Avoid artificial tanning. Don’t use sunlamps and tanning beds, as well as tanning pills and tanning makeup. Tanning pills have a color additive that turns your skin orange after you take them. The FDA has approved this color additive for coloring foods but not for tanning the skin. The large amount of color additive in tanning pills may be harmful. Tanning make-up products are not suntan lotions and will not protect your skin from the sun.




4. Use sunscreen. Sunscreens are rated in strength according to a sun protection factor (SPF), which ranges from 2 to 30 or higher. A higher number means longer protection. Buy products with an SPF number of 15 or higher. Also look for products whose label says: broad spectrum (meaning they protect against both types of harmful sun rays(UVA and UVB) and water resistant (meaning they stay on your skin longer, even if you get wet or sweat a lot). Remember to reapply the lotion as needed.


5. Stay out of the sun. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. This is when the sun?s UV rays are strongest. Don?t be fooled by cloudy skies. Harmful rays pass through clouds. UV radiation also can pass through water, so don’t assume you?re safe if you?re in the water and feeling cool

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