Top 5 New Scientific Researches on the Human Brain.





The brain is the most mysterious thing in the world and scientists try to understand it through experiments every day and during these experiments many mysterious things come out in front of you, which will surprises you, like how the brain senses ghosts and what goes on in your mind while reading.








The more you think, the slower your brain will work. so stop thinking more don't you think that during the day you think many things that are not necessary for you. yes, it is overthinking.



Almost every human being in this world wasting his time overthinking something which is not needed. new research has revealed that your brain like a machine the more you use it, the sooner the strength and life of your brain will decrease.




You should use your mind only when you need it. but how will you do it? and how will you reduce your overthinking?



The answer is Awareness due to this you can reduce your overthinking. for example, as you are walking on the road you need to little aware of surrounding like people are walking, birds are flying, observe everything around you.



If you are observing everything around you it helps to reduce your overthinking. because if you do all this, then your mind will not be worrying about other things. and your mind will be busy observing peoples, birds, etc. so in the same way you can reduce your overthinking, this will make your brain work better.











You can develop new neurons inside your brain, neurons are those cells in your brain which sets your brain parity, meaning is that the connection between the neurons of those whom you call intelligent is very strong and the neurons of those who are mentally weak and do not work properly then the no. of neurons in your brain will be less. 





If there is a higher volume of neurons in your brain the faster your brain will work , and now you must be thinking! how do I develop the neurons of my brain? so there is an easy way to do it, and that is Newness, newness is things which are new to know you like reading new books, traveling to new places, doing something new, etc. so these all things are making your brains neurons stronger and more in volume.












Consumption of more sugar reduces the efficiency of your brain. new researches have shown that sugar reduces the neuron's connection between your brain. due to which your cognitive ability is reduced and in researches it was also found that high intake of sugar reduces your self-control.



Even more intake of sugar can cause depression, so what is the solution to this? should I stop eating sugar? the answer is the balanced mode, whatever it is, if it is done in a balanced mode then it proves to be good for you.


So this is the conclusion of these researches, you should consume sugar in moderate quantity.









Reading books is the healthiest thing for your brain. it has been found out in the new researches that reading books can open the full capacity of your brain.



there are many apps through which you can read thousands of books for free, by reading books your neurons inside your brain start developing, and your focusing, logical and understanding power also increases through book reading.











Stress in life can make your mind a junkyard! you must have heard that stress is the main cause of all diseases. so what causes stress?



The stress causes factors are more but some examples are exams stress, family stress, relationship stress these all are major causes of stress. all this will not let you live a pleasant life.



Stress will destroy your power of understanding, self-control, and knowledge about something, so stay away from stress.


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