Top 5 Largest Religious Texts / Theology of Hinduism


 Sanatana Dharma in its original form is known by the alternate name of Hinduism. In the Vedic period, the name 'Sanatan Dharma' is found for the religion of the Indian subcontinent. 'Sanatan' means - eternal or 'perpetual', meaning one who has neither the beginning nor the end.

 Sanatan Dharma i.e. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. Friends, the special thing in this religion is that this religion is perfection scientific.

When science evaluates each object, concept and element, in the process, many beliefs and standards of faith collapse. Science has now not but succeeded in taking pictures of the everlasting truth, however, science appears to be regularly agreeing with the glory of the everlasting reality referred to in Vedanta.

  Our historical and ancient sages have written many texts via doing vast research, it is believed that Vedas are the unique texts of Hinduism, in addition to this, there are many different texts in the Hindu faith like the Puran Manusmriti Upanishad. Hindu_texts

  Sanatan Dharma i.e Hindu religion, the basis of they are scriptures or in today's language, they are documents. In which the description of this civilization is found and on the basis of that description, we are all living today.



Hindu Scriptures/Texts divided by two-part

types of hindu scriptures



Shruti (That which was heard)

  •  Shruti is a group of the highest and paramount scriptures of Hinduism. Shruti literally means heard, that is, the voice of God which was heard by the sages in ancient times and spread by the disciples to the world. Due to this divine source, they are considered to be the most important source of religion.
  •  Shruti is recognized only when there is any dispute between Shruti and Smriti. Four Vedas come under Shruti: Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. Every Veda has four parts: Samhita, Brahmana-Granth, Aranyaka and Upanishads.The śruti literature

Smriti (That which is remembered)

  • Smriti is a group of scriptures of Hinduism, whose beliefs are lower than Shruti and which were originated by humans. Smriti literally means "remembered".
  • Although Smriti is ranked below the Vedas they (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, Purana) are read by most Hindus, as Vedas are very difficult to understand and Smriti has easy stories and moral teachings.
  • Various religious texts in its range - Gita, Mahabharata, Vishnushahasranama also began to be counted. Shankaracharya has considered all these texts as memory. The Smriti literature


1. What's in the Vedas?


The Vedas are full of knowledge related to almost all subjects like Brahma (God), Deity, Universe, Astrology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Medicine, Nature, Astronomy, Geography, Religious Rules, History, Rites, Rituals etc.

Vedas are the basic foundation of Indian spiritual thought. Divine consciousness and spiritual inspiration that emerged in the holy mind of the sages are poetic revelations of heavenly music.

There are the early serene evocations of civilized mankind, who appeared in various natural powers in the form of greetings, praise, praise and glorification of the world by the power of the creator and controller of the world.

Notwithstanding the initials, his composition attracts beauty, miraculous, unbelievable. Therefore, the entire Veda literature is the immortal pride of India.



The Vedas is divided into four parts

A. Rigveda

 Rik means status and knowledge. It has a lot to do with geographical location and mantras of invocation of the gods. The Rigveda's verses describe the prayers of the deities, hymns and their position in Devaloka. It also provides information about water therapy, air medicine, solar medicine, manas medicine and treatment by incense etc.

Rigveda is adorned with about 400 Stuti or Richaas in various verses composed by many famous sages. These statues are dedicated to the deities Agni, Vayu, Varuna, Indra, Vishwadeva, Marut, Prajapati, Surya, Usha, Pusha, Rudra, Savita etc.

First, the significance of the target deity's strength, work and role in the creation is described and then his glory is sung in select words. Finally, there are various ways to offer your means of worldly well-being and happiness.

B. Yajurvwda

Yaju means dynamic sky and karma. The Yajurveda has the methods of Yajna and the mantras used in Yajnas. Apart from Yajna, there is a description of philosophy. Elementology means mystical knowledge.

Knowledge of the universe, soul, God and matter. This Veda is composed in prose. There is a description of the worship of various deities mainly through the process, process and yagna of the yajna. This Veda has 2 branches - Shukla and Krishna.

C. Samaveda

In this Veda, various hymns sung during yajnas are compiled. Most of the eulogies are composed to seek grace by addressing Agni or Indra, praising him. Sama means conversion and music. Mildness and worship. This Veda is the musical form of Rigveda's verses.

There is mention about the gods of Savita, Agni and Indra. There is also a reference to classical music and dance. This Samaveda is considered to be the origin of music scripture. There is also a description of the science and psychology of music.

D. Atharvaveda

There are many mantras in the Atharvaveda showing the effectiveness of Mantra Shakti. Atharva means vibration and Atharva means vibration. This Veda mentions mystical teachings, herbs, miracles and Atharvaveda etc.

Knowledge of Indian tradition and astrology is also found in it. The mantra creator has introduced his self-power through mantras and the mantras use such effective words, sentences, sounds, analogies, tips, commands that do not remain without believing in their effectiveness.



2. What is Upanishad?

upanishadsThe Upanishads are the basic foundation of Indian spiritual thought, Indian spiritual philosophy. Whether it is God or not, whether there is a soul or not, how is the universe, etc. All things serious, philosophy, yoga, meditation, samadhi, salvation etc. we will be found in the Upanishads.

Upanishads should be read by every Hindu. Reading these gives correct knowledge about God, soul, salvation and the world. The Upanishads are important scriptures of Hinduism. Their number is around 200, but the main Upanishads are 13.

Each of the Upanishads is associated with one of the other Vedas. These are integral parts of Vedic hymns. These are written in Sanskrit. In it, a very philosophical and knowledgeable description of the nature and relationship of God, God-Brahma and soul is given.



3. What is Shaddarshana?

By reading the Vedas and Upanishads, 6 sages have created their philosophy. This is called the conspiracy of India. Actually, it is a gradation of the knowledge of the Vedas.

These 6 philosophies are - 1. Nyaya, 2. Vaiseshika, 3. Samkhya, 4. Yoga, 5. Mimamsa and 6. Vedanga. According to the Vedas, truth or God cannot be known through any one medium. That is why the Vedas have discussed many routes or mediums.

4. What is there in the Gita?

Lord Shri Krishna preaching the Gita

The Gita also has a total of 18 chapters. The total number of verses in the 10 chapters is 700. If someone has arranged the knowledge of Vedas in a new way, then they are Lord Krishna.

Therefore, the pocket version of the Vedas is the Gita, which is the only widely accepted text of the Hindus. No one has enough time to read the Vedas or Upanishads. For him, the Gita is the best scripture.

In the Gita, creation origin, organism evolution, Hindu messenger sequence, human origin, yoga, religion, deity, God, God, deity, worship, prayer, Yama-niyam, politics, war, salvation, space, sky, earth, Rites, clans, clans, policy, meaning, past birth, life management, nation-building, soul, rituals, the concept of triple, friendship among all beings, etc. are all known. Shrimad Bhagavad_Gita is the voice of Yogeshwar Sri Krishna.

In each of its verses, there is a light of knowledge in which the darkness of ignorance is destroyed as it erupts. The Jnana-Bhakti-Karma Yoga routes have been elaborated. By walking on these routes, a person definitely becomes the officer of the highest rank.

5. What is there in the Ramayana?


Ramayana has special significance in Hinduism. The book of Ramayana is found in almost every Hindu household. Each of the characters has a different significance in the Ramayana. Ramayana is the saga of King Rama of Hindu Raghuvansh. 

It is a part of Smriti, a unique Sanskrit epic written by Adi poet Valmiki. It is called Adikavya and its author Maharishi Valmiki is also called 'Adikavi'. There are six chapters of Ramayana which are known as Kand, it has 24,000 verses.

Lord Rama belongs to all the Asian continents. The entire belt of Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia is connected to the Ramayana. This is a very old epic/book. Its effect is so immense that even after thousands of years, Lord Rama is known for his truth. He is also called Purushottam. An ideal emperor.


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I'm Shivji Kumar. I am a younger Student and Independent thinker with recyclable hopefully dreams. I like to do socialwork with the "Art of Life of way"

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