Top 12 Techniques to follow for Anger Management

Anger is a normal emotion but when it is in control or you can say that your aware of how much angry your at that point of time. Anger can be referred to as uncontrolled if it leds you to be aggressive and you simply outbursts.

This uncontrolled anger can result into disturbed life, unhealthy relationships with others, embarrassments in public, shame and insecurities.

Anger has to be dealt in a positive way otherwise it affects ones physical as well as mental health.

This article discusses about anger management techniques for uncontrolled anger. This techniques are suggested based on personal experience. 

Be calm

Take a long deep breath as soon as you realize your getting out of control. Then try to express yourself directly but in a way without hurting others.

First think then speak

Every time, before speaking just take few moments, collect your thoughts and then speak them out. Try to express yourself smoothly. 

Also, avoid using harsh words instead use friendly statements while speaking. Think how your statements will impact others. 

Physical exercise or some exciting physical activity

Whenever you start getting anger, just divert yourself from that situation. This can be done by simply moving out, just go for a short walk or even doing some exciting physical activity like cycling may help you out.

 If its not possible to do any activity at that moment of time then you may simply go to your window or terrace and start gazing the blue sky or flying birds. This will help you to ease out with anger issues and relieve stress on your mind.

Count down on numbers

As soon as you realize you are being aggressive, start counting down on numbers. Start from 100 and count down until your back to normal.

Initially you will count back more numbers but as you follow this technique number of countdowns required for you to normal will be less.

Same technique can be done with alphabets too. 

Turn on to music

Whenever you are angry, just put on headphones and listen to your favorite music and divert yourself. You may even start singing your favourite song, this will also help you. 

Avoid having conversations with the person until them. This will stop further arguments and heavy outbursts.


Yeah! Eat... Just take out some biscuits or any snacks and munch it on. This will divert yourself from the situation.


Just open your email or text messenger, add the name of the person your angry on in "To:" section and then simply write down and express your angry emotions to him in content section. Finally save this message to draft or either delete it (Do not send it).

This is very effective technique as it allows you to vent out your anger without hurting the person. This can be even done with pen and paper.

Take breaks while working

Take short breaks and relax while doing stressful works. This will not only help you to avoid the situation of getting irritated and aggressive. 


Holding negative feelings and grudges will make you more bitter. If you cant forgive then atleast pretend to be forgiving infront of that person.

You can vent your anger in some other form out and still maintain a stable relationship with the person.


Meditating regularly everyday for just about 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient for you to calm down faster when you get angry.

Meditation will have several benefits on your body other than anger management.

Talk it out

Nothing can be more better than sharing your thoughts with your loved ones. May it even be your pet or even any plant in your garden, it may not provide you with answers but will be a good listener.

Seek advice

If you feel your anger is unmanageable then it is advisable to speak it out and seek advice from a specialist or mental health practitioner. This will help to work through the underlying issues.

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