Important facts about Surya Namaskar and cigarette smoking

Practice Surya Namaskar daily, destroy diseases

Every day if the habit of doing sun salutation will fill the body healthy and full of energy. This is a straightforward and smooth action. In just 15 to 20 minutes per day, it will cure many diseases. You also know the benefits of Surya Namaskar.

By doing this daily, our digestive system gets strengthened; it gives relief from the problem of constipation.

If you have trouble breathing, then Surya Namaskar will give a lot of benefit to your problem because doing Surya Namaskar cleanses the lungs and helps in the breathing speed.

Surya Namaskar is useful to attack blood in the body. For people who have high blood pressure, this activity is very beneficial; this reduces their stress.

Surya Namaskar keeps the mind under control; it increases the ability to meditate and builds confidence.

Our body's immune system strengthened by Surya Namaskar, which protects our body from diseases.

Surya Namaskar reduces fat, and the body remains in shape, and the posture of the body becomes beautiful.

Surya Namaskar provides benefits to women due to problems like infertility, pregnancy, and ovary diseases, and the health of these organs is good.

People smoke cigarettes to look cool, but slowly it starts to become a habit, which makes it challenging to get rid of.

Cigarettes are home to many diseases and also cause significant harm to health, but research has recently revealed that if you want to get rid of your smoking addiction, then you can get rid of this addiction with a juice.

The Medicine Department of Thailand's Srinakharinwirot University researched people above the age of 18 who were suffering from cigarette addiction but want to get rid of it. According to the study, about 47 percent of people given fresh lime juice, and 53 percent of people given to eat nicotine chewing gum to quit cigarette addiction.

People who were involved in this research tested for 12 consecutive weeks of blood samples of people who given lemon juice, the amount of carbon monoxide in their blood found to be much less than those who ate nicotine chewing gum. Those who had consumed lemon water were given less desire to smoke.

You can also make it at home to get rid of cigarette addiction. To make this juice, you need one yellow lemon, 1 tsp sugar, 1 cup of water, a few pieces of ice. Cut both lemons with a knife and squeeze them in a pot, now add sugar in a cup of water and mix this juice in it. Now take this juice twice a day.

Obesity is a problem remedy and precautions

Obesity is the biggest enemy of a person's health. Obesity is a significant cause of many diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Obesity is also a cause of the problem of increased blood cholesterol. Obesity is more important than an average-weight person. The risk of heart disease and paralysis is two times, and the risk of diabetes is three times more than joint pain, kidney, and gallstones.

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