How to study for long hours?

How To Study For Long Hours ?

Many students try to study for long hours but they got distracted . There can be many reasons of it.

Given below are some amazing tips and tricks to study for long hours



Eat Less - Work More 

Many students usually study after taking their full meals. They forget the point that they have to study. 

When we take our meal our mind feels little lazy because after taking food digestion process starts in our body in which the oxygen present in mind is used for digestion work which feels us lazy and we feel cozy. So we can not focus on our studies.

To get rid of this problem every student needs to take their meals in parts instead of eating full at a time.



Drink Less Water

Many students drink a lot of water while studying and they go to washroom frequently which distract them from studies. Their point of focus goes away.

To avoid this problem students need to drink less water than usual while studying to keep their focus on study. This small and ordinary tip will help them a lot.


Make A Distance From Distractions

When you study you should put yourself in a place where disturbance from digital gadgets like Phone and T.V. cannot affect you. You can simply study in a room and tell others to not disturb you.


Be Loyal To Yourself

Many students does not study for long hours because they doesn't want to study. They just put their works on following days and waste their time.

By doing this they they are lying to themselves. They are wasting their own time.

No one can take you out of this problem except one . The one about whom I am saying is the student himself. Yes, A student can only take you  out of this problem.



Respect Time

Time is a golden coin which you can use in any way. But you can spend it once only.

Every student needs to understand the importance of time. They need to understand that this time will never come again. They need to utilise this time in an effective way.

They can make a time table to take record of every minute of their day time. By making time table they can consume time more effectively than usual.


10 Minute Rule

This is a golden tip for those who are unable to focus on study. To study for long hours you should fool your mind.

First you make a mind that you would study only 10 minutes and study with full concentration. After 10 minutes take a break of about 2 to 3 minutes. After break make mind to study for more 10 minutes. Repeat this as many as you wish.

You can perform this trick in another way. You can substitute time from subject topics. For example 

You can make a mind to study a topic and after completing that topic you can study another topic .



There are a lot of tricks also but  the most important thing is internal motivation. So just try to generate that feeling to study for long hours.


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About Author

Hello, I am is a new writer here. I have a lot of tips and tricks for your studies. So be with me.