How to make the brain sharp ?

Foods For Brain: Have you ever thought about which food is beneficial for a sharp brain. No! You also know that if the mind is healthy, you will be able to do any work correctly. If the brain is not healthy, then the functions of all the parts of your body will also be affected. Whether it is Alzheimer's, reading, or stress, all the brain can have an unhealthy brain. Include those things in the diet, which increase the capacity of the brain (Boost Brain Power).


If you want to know which nutritious foods are for the brain, then here we are talking about some foods that will make your mind sharp and beneficial for your health. The brain needs certain nutrients to remain healthy, such as omega-3 fatty acids. This helps in building brain cells. This can help fight stress.


You cannot become intelligent only by eating almonds. Some fruits also effect to sharpen the memory. Pomegranate has the most nutrients. Eating pomegranate not only increases blood but also increases memory. Generally, the sharp mind of any person depends on his mental health. It is believed that if the mind is healthy, then memory will also be better.


1. Green-leafy vegetables

Spinach, broccoli, eat plenty. These contain vitamin K, lutein, folate, beta keratin, etc., which keep the brain healthy.


2. Pumpkin Seeds

Consuming pumpkin seeds is also very healthy to keep the mind healthy. It contains zinc. Zinc increases memory power. It also improves thinking skills. Children should also give it to eat so that their memory capacity can be further developed.


3. Walnuts

Walnuts are very healthy for the brain. There are many such nutrients in it, which improve the brain (Walnut For Brain Health). Eating walnuts increases brain function. The brain remains active. Walnuts contain vitamin E, copper, manganese, which increase brain power.


4. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains cocoa. Cocoa contains a type of antioxidant called flavonoids. Antioxidants are needed for brain health. Because stress directly affects the mind. This can help in maintaining memory and fighting mental illnesses.


5 Mindful Workout

The most effective way to speed up your mind is a mindfulness workout. For this, you can play any brain game with children like - quiz, dictionary filling, or choose the correct option. Such games can be played with the help of friends. This will enhance the memory of the child as well as maintain the desire to remember.


6 New Language - Children, knowing other languages ​​even at a young age, make their minds run faster than children who know only one language. In this way, the child develops more abilities.


7 Sports - The more agile children are in sports, the more sharp and active their mind is. In this way, the flow of oxygen in children's brains is also right, which is very good for their brains.


8 Artistry - Children's inclination towards art develops and helps in learning new things. In this way, the imagination of children also increases, and they have multidimensional thinking.


9 Maths - Yes, since childhood, good mathematics practice helps the child sharpen his mind. This is the reason that people who have more interest in mathematics are more intelligent than others.

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