How to Loss heavy weight ???What we do ??

Balancing is essential

* Low calorie food items are high in fiber. That is why eating this food at dieting time will fill the stomach. However, in addition to these, protein and micronutrient food should also be taken. Only then will you be able to balance.

* Otherwise you will lose weight if you eat only low calorie food. But, any deficiency in the body can come. So any food should be eaten in a balanced way. Depending on the weight, you should eat low calorie pudding as well as minerals and vitamines.


Will lose weight.

* But..there will be no food rations. In fact it makes you want to eat even more then. Nutritionists say that at such times you may prefer low calorie foods.

* Eating this food whenever you are hungry will not make you gain weight.


1)Cucumbers Vegetables

such as beer, cucumber, squash, and squash are low in calories. Those who want to lose weight can add these to their diet chart. It is better to eat these when you are very hungry. However, in addition to these, a balance diet is also required.


2)Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are all high in calories. People on a diet not only lose weight but also lose energy levels. Citrus fruits also work well in running the digestion system. Citrus vegetables such as tomatoes and red capsicum are also low in calories.


3)Leafy vegetables

Greens are very low in calories. That’s why people who are sick want to put on celery. Moreover, they are easily digested. That is why those who are dieting should eat these regularly.



Mashrooms are very low in calories. It is high in vitamin D and selenium. Ginger, which is regularly used in garlic convex, and garlic paste are also very low in calories. They lower high blood pressure and sugar levels. It is better to eat these together or separately.



Low calorie, high nutrient food. Egg If you eat an egg in the morning and start the day, you will be healthy. Mild, metabolism nutritionist, even booster booster.  Dieters prefer eggs.



Popcorn is one of the high calorie snacks. One cup of popcorn contains 31 grams of calories and only 12 grams of fiber. That's why people who want to lose weight can add popcorn to their diet chart.



Solid full soups fill the stomach. Moreover these are very low calorie. Therefore, dieters should make soups at the time of eating heavy food. Soups can be drunk even if it seems like a week. Soups provided immediate



Water is one of the low calorie foods. It is the perfect drink to lose weight. Drink plenty of easy digestion even if you are not hydrated at the time


 There are many health benefits to walking every day, including weight loss.

 * For those who can't go to the gym or exercise hard, walking is the best way to stay healthy and energetic. Interestingly, according to a new research, walking after a meal offers additional health benefits.

* In this article, we will look at the benefits of walking, how far you can walk each day, how to maximize other benefits, and the best time to lose weight.

What is the best time to walk?

* Walking anytime during the day is great for physical and mental well-being. However, walking after a meal can help a lot in losing weight and managing diabetes.

* People who have no health condition can walk every day to avoid future health problems. How Walking Helps You Lose Weight These are the basic calories that we all burn in a day.

* It refers to metabolism. This number is very consistent depending on the movements we make by walking into the house every day and running errors. Deliberate exercise increases the total number of calories we burn.

* But it should be understood that weight is not a simple calorie equation. Adding more movement to your daily life will increase calorie burning. Thus reducing weight.

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