How to Lose Belly Fat Super Ideas

How to Lose Belly Fat Super Ideas

There is no "magic wand" that can help you lose belly fat simply, but this article will explain why your waistline accumulates fat and how to get rid of that fat.

How to Lose Belly Fat Super Ideas

Part 1 Exercise to lose fat

1-first Break down the exercise.

Research has shown that intermittent exercise, burning energy alternating with rest periods, has a more muscle-building and endurance effect than traditional exercise. [first]
reak up exercises to lose weight:
Sprint: Run at your fastest pace for 20 seconds, then slowly turn into walking until you breathe evenly. Repeat for 10 minutes.
Exercise equipment: Install a treadmill, elliptical bike, or stationary exercise bike for interval training.
Quick methods: Take a 5-minute walk or climb the stairs every day as often as possible.



2-Do exercises that increase your heart rate.

Do aerobic exercises to increase your heart rate, quickly burn calories, and facilitate overall fat loss - including a fat loss in the waist area. You can't burn fat in the waist area alone, but usually when you exercise, regardless of your body shape, the waist area will be the first area to lose.
Run time calculation. Record your progress by recording the time it takes you to run 1km. As your heart health improves, you should see this time decrease.
Overcome the phenomenon of ankle deflection. If you have pain along the lower leg (pain along the front of the lower leg when running), you may have been “skewed in” (ground with most of your body weight on the outer leg). There are specially designed shoes to limit this.
Never overdo it. Let's start with three cardio sessions a week. Forcing your body to work out too hard each day will not give your body enough time to recover and build muscle, which can lead to injury.



3-More endurance exercises.

A 2006 study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Metabolic Exercise showed that combining aerobic exercises with endurance exercise is effective. lose belly fat rather than simply increasing your heart rate.[3]You can do resistance exercises with your bare hands, with tools, exercise machines, or with elastic bands. Exercising from unstable positions caused by muscle-building activities can be beneficial.



4-Temporarily skip crunches.

Exercising your abs and crunches up and down can increase abdominal muscles, but you may not be able to see this muscle under the belly fat layer. In fact, abdominal exercises make your abdomen look larger because it creates a thicker abdominal wall. Instead, if you strengthen your back muscles, your appearance will improve and your waist circumference will be reduced.



Part  2 Metabolic Mechanism Changes

1-first Reduce stress.

Studies show that the production of cortisol (a hormone the body releases during stress) is linked to increased belly fat.[4]. Some ways to get rid of daily stress:
Most adults need it to sleep at least 7 hours Every night.
Take time to relax. Even if you only have 15 minutes of lunch, take the opportunity to close your eyes, take a deep breath and forget your worries.
Minimize the stress of being in the bedroom. Separate workplace and bedroom. Be determined to leave your worries behind as soon as possible before you go to bed.



2-Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day.

One study has shown that when people reduce from 10,000 walking steps per day to less than 1,500 steps (without changing their diet), the amount of belly fat increases 7% after just 2 weeks.
Shop a pedometer and try to increase your daily number of steps. Stand up and walk every 30 steps for 30 minutes. If your job shows little movement, consider investing in a treadmill table.



3-Eat whole grains instead of refined grains.

One scientific study shows that people who eat whole grains (in addition to five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat milk, and two servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry) lose fat. belly area more than people in the group with similar nutrition but eat refined grains entirely. [7]
Fat-melting cereals. A diet rich in whole grains alters the body's response to glucose and insulin to accelerate the melting of fats, and visceral fat - the deeper layers of fat are easily burned by the body. rather than subcutaneous adipose tissue (the fat layer that can be seen and felt).
Avoid white grains. For example, eat brown whole wheat bread instead of refined bread and eat brown rice instead of white rice.



4-Drink a lot of water.

Studies have consistently suggested that drinking water regularly throughout the day can make your metabolism more active, no matter what diet you're on.[8] Drinking plenty of water also helps the body flush out toxins and improves your overall health.
Aim to drink 8 glasses of water 8 times or a total of 2 liters of water per day.
Bring a bottle of water to drink whenever you feel thirsty.
Know when you're hydrated. When you drink enough water, your urine is almost transparent. If the urine is still yellow, continue drinking more water.
Limit alcohol and sugary drinks (such as Coca-Cola, 7-Up, Pepsi, and all low-calorie beverages) and carbonated beverages.


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