How to Get clear skin in the festive season? acne-free.

We’re all a sucker for those parlor visits that leave our skin glowing, baby soft, and clogs completely clean of any dirt.


So we decided to bring you these simple clean up beauty rituals that will help you save time and the extra bucks! Type “CLEAN” in the comments below, and we’ll send you a list of some effective drug store cleanup products. Begin by using an oil-based cleanser that can cut through and dissolve all the dirt and grime that might be lingering on your epidermis.


Remember to go in circular motions as this will give your skin the added benefit of blood circulation, making it look flushed and plump. Follow this up with a face wash best suited to your skin type, washing it off with lukewarm water and then gently patting it dry! Steaming your face helps eliminate debris that stays put on your pores, effectively allowing deeper cleansing. You can choose from the steam of a hot shower, get hold of a facial steamer, or make your own facial steam! All you need is a medium-large size bowl with hot water and then drop in some rose petals and lemon. Now cover yourself with a towel to make sure you trap in all the steam and do this for a good 10-20 minutes.


Your skin is now all set for the ultimate detox! Now that your pores are completely clean, exfoliation will help suck out the dead and dull cells stuck in them. You can choose from a wide variety of clay masks available for almost every skin type and mix it with some rose water. This gentle exfoliator draws out all impurities leaving you with pimple free, glowing skin! You can even scrub your way to exfoliation by adding half a cup of milk to 3 tbsp of oats to make a smooth paste and massage this into your skin using light-medium pressure. 


A soothing face pack will ensure that exfoliation does not strip your skin of hydration, making sure it’s supple and hydrated. Honey is a natural cleanser that is deeply nourishing, and when mixed with banana, it enhances your natural glow! Apply this and keep it on for 20 mins for radiant, glowing skin! Toning is another important step for a face clean up, and it seals your pores, locking in all that hydration. 


Much like toners, ice cubes help in tightening and shrinking pores, and you can make your beauty cubes at home using natural ingredients like aloe vera, rose water, and rose petals! If you have sensitive skin, milk ice cubes are gentle, soothing, yet firm!


As the last step of your clean up, use your favorite cream in upward and outward motion to make sure you give your face the moisture and nourishment it needs! Remember, healthy and glowing skin starts with a clean canvas first.   Let us know in the comments below if you’ll be doing these 6 steps at home, and until next time, stay tuned and stay glamorous!

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