Top 5 Summer Skin Care Tips

Summer is here and it brings lot of changes to your body. Till now you were using cold creams and many other things related to winter. But now its time to completely change. 

Here are some simple and useful tips that you must keep in mind to keep your skin hydrated this summer.



1. Drink Plenty of Water

Summer means rise in temperature which makes the climate hot, hotter and hottest. This results in too much sweating. The body loses too much water through sweating, so frequent drinking of water is required to avoid dehydration. 


So, this summer give your skin the benefits of water. Drinking plenty of water will not only keep your body and skin hydrated but will also remove all the toxins from your body.

Look at the trees and plants around you. They become dry when they do not receive proper amount of water. But when they receive proper amount of water daily, they look fresh and grow beautiful. So if you want your skin to look fresh and beautiful, drink plenty of water.



2. Enjoy Juicy Fruits


     During summer, lot of fruits are available. Watermelon is one of them and its the best to keep your body and skin hydrated because of the water content present in the fruit. Watermelon is mostly liked by many people. You can have this fruit in any form like juice, but having it in whole will give you the maximum benefit.

   You can also consume coconut water to keep your body hydrated and lower your body temperature. Coconut water can be given to kids as they play outdoors. This will give them instant energy, hydrate their body and skin.

   Coconut water



3. Wash Your Face

During summer, the skin comes in contact with lot of pollution, dust, the sun's UV rays, etc.

So, you have to wash your face more often than usual to keep your skin clean from all such dirt caused due to the hot climate. Washing your face regularly will clean the skin and clear the skin pores. Oil will not accumulate and cause pimples or boils and acne with regular washing. 

This will keep your skin clean and hydrated.



4. Face Cream and Foot Cream


Face cream

      Apply mild face cream in the night. This should be your everyday night routine. This is important specially if you are a person applying make-up whole day, then you must definitely apply face cream, so that the skin gets relaxed and hydrated. 

       Night is the best time to apply face cream as the skin repairs all the damages in the night.

      Foot cream too should be applied in the night. Cracked heels too are the signs of dry skin. So apply a good foot cream and cover it with socks. Your skin will be healed quickly.

Foot cream



5. Avoid Hot and Long Showers

Taking hot and showers may result in loss of moisture content and necessary oils which can dehydrate your skin. Using lukewarm water while bathing is ideal.

Hot showers




   So friends, these were the five simple tips that you can follow throughout summer to keep your skin and body hydrated. Keeping your body hydrated from within is important as it will show results on your outward skin.

Your skin needs hydration, this will also reduce lines caused due to ageing. So keep these simple tips in mind and do follow them for perfect hydrated skin.


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