How to control hair loss, baldness with ayurvedic home remedies? (100% effective & no side effects)


There are various causes for baldness-

  1. Heredity
  2. Hair loss starts when the iron and calcium in your diet are low.
  3. Diseases like diabetes and thyroid also cause hair loss.
  4. Problems in your daily life.
  5. The most important thing is to use different shampoos, conditioners, and coloring the hair, which causes hair loss and baldness.


Ayurvedic remedies for baldness-

Custard Apple leaves are considered essential for new hair growth. With this remedy, new hair starts appearing in 21 days.


  Take 15-20 leaves of custard apple. Wash custard apple leaves appropriately. (Do not wash custard leaves with salt). Then add a little water to these leaves and grind them on a stone and extract its juice. Apply the liquid on the bald spot at bedtime and wash off with lukewarm water in the morning.


  Also, with this remedy, while sleeping at night, put 5ml Triphala powder in 1 glass of lukewarm water, and when you wake up in the morning, drink on an empty stomach.



1st ingredient is amla powder- 

 Amla is considered to be the best for hair. And it is a substance that preserves our youth. Amla contains elements like calcium, copper, vitamin-k, carotin. Your scalp conditions amla. Amla powder promotes healthy hair growth as well as boosts our hair volume, and treats head lice.


2nd ingredient is curry powder-

Curry is also considered helpful for hair. Curry is very effective for hair health. In curry leaves, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin k, nicotinic acid, and coenzyme alkaloid are included. This ingredient helps to keep hair roots healthy. So, the new hair that comes out is black and healthy. Dry the curry leaves in the shade.


3rd ingredient is Fenugreek Seeds-

Fenugreek seeds work to reduce dandruff in your hair. It also helps in lowering dead cells and increasing melanin in the hair. In fenugreek seeds contain protein, calcium, phosphorous, carotin, and many alkaloids, which are very useful for hair growth and hair problems. Fenugreek seeds excess oil on the scalp. These seeds repair our damaged hair.



    Take 100gm pure coconut oil. Add 5gm of amla powder, 5gm of curry powder, 5gm of fenugreek seeds in that oil. Then keep the oil in a glass bottle in the sun for 15 days. Keeping it in the sun enhances the properties of all these ingredients and contains vitamin D., and it produces chemicals that are effective for your hair growth. Apply this oil on the hair roots while sleeping at night.


       Applying this oil will reduce hair loss to 0% in a few days. Also, the new hair that is coming will turn black. But people over the age of 45 will not have black hair, but hair loss will be up to 0%.


   To stop hair loss, it is necessary to apply oil to the hair and take medicine or ayurvedic powder with it. It strengthens your hair roots and improves the health of your hair by regulating your body functions. 

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