8 Exercises That Lose Belly fat fast

1: Running or walking

Well, you may be thinking, 'How does moving your legs reduce that love handles?' Yes, the truth is there is no way to point to belly fat. Your gene determines where fat is stored in your body, so the best thing you can do is start walking.

As you exercise, calories are burned, and your body percentage decreases. Therefore, exercise not only helps to lose belly fat but also sheds fat in other areas. Running and walking are two excellent ways to burn fat. Also, the only equipment you need is good shoes. Between the two, running burns more calories, but walking isn't too far back.

Running and walking can be part of your exercise time, and don't forget to warm up and cool down if you take your run to lose weight.


2: Elliptical Trainer

Some of us no longer have the healthy joints that we had when we were growing up. Running is not asked, and walking does not determine us. The good news is that elliptical trainers offer great, low-impact cardio workouts. 145-lb. one can burn 300 calories in 30 minutes to a circular trainer. That's about as many calories as heat stroke, but without the wear and tear combined.


3: Cycling

Cycling is one of the best cardio exercises. It is a great way to travel or see the countryside. Depending on the speed and power, the average person can burn between 250 to 500 calories during 30-minute cycling.


4: Cycling

Burning body and belly fat with cardio exercises is part of the battle. The next step is to strengthen the abdominal muscles, so you have something to show once the fat is wasted. In a recent study, ab tests were ranked from good to bad. Cycling is rated # 1 because it requires abdominal stability, body rotation, and muscle mass.


Here are some other bike tests that you can do before you ride your bike:

-Let your hands on your back behind your head

- Raise the knees to your chest as you lift the head and shoulders to the ground

-Find your right elbow on your left knee and straighten your right leg

Side -Switch - bring your left elbow to your right knee and straighten your left leg

-Continue switch sides to mimic movements

-Breathe should be relaxed and balanced

-Do 1-3 sets with 12-16 offers

# 5: The Captain's chair raises his leg

For this exercise, you need a captain's chair that is available in most gyms. The seat has a rear attached to the armrests. Your legs hang free.

-Al stand on a chair and hold hands

-Keep your back up with the pad while lifting the knees to your chest

-Then the lower legs go back down

-For extra strength, keep your legs straight when lifting

-Do 1-3 sets with 12-16 offers


# 6: Gymnastics exercise

This exercise requires a lot of stability involving many muscles. You will need a gym ball.

-Let on the ball so that your lower back is supported and the feet are planted firmly on the ground

-Put your hands on your chest or your head behind 

-Contract abs and lift your chest up and forward

-Reduce down

-Keep the ball stable during each blast

-Expert when wrapping; pull as you lower back down

-Do 1-3 sets with 12-16 offers


# 7: Straight leg posture

Straight leg fractures are similar to typical fractures. But it requires you to keep your legs straight, making the abs work harder and increasing the intensity of the exercise.

-Sleep with your hands behind your head

-Put your legs straight up and on your knees

-Flex abs lift head and shoulders down

-Put it down

-Keep the legs stretched out in the air at all times

-Exhale when flexible; pull when lying down

-Do 1-3 sets with 12-16 offers


# 8: Reverse crunch

The flexible crunch is also placed on top of the regular layers, like the five best exercises to strengthen the main muscles.

-List down on the floor with your arms at your sides

-Cross your feet and lift them down so that your knees form a 90-degree angle

-Contract ab muscles and lift the head and shoulders off the ground

-Expert when entering into a contract; pull as you lower back down

-Do 1-3 sets with 12-16 offers


Finding the abs of the tone was just as easy

Squeezing your stomach successfully is a matter of burning body fat and building muscle. The best way to burn body fat is through cardio exercises like running, walking, elliptical training, and cycling. With these tests, burning fat in the abdomen, shedding love handles, and building a sixth pack is entirely possible. Send your body a memo: flat abs are in style, and it's time to get yours!

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Professional with a Bachelor of Arts - BA focused in DEFENCE STUDIES,SOCIOLOGY from Deendayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University.