4 health benefits of eating sour food in summer


In summer, the weather is hot and it is easy to sweat. We can eat more acidic foods to help produce body fluids and quench thirst, and can also invigorate the stomach and eliminate food. Eating more sour foods in summer has many benefits and is also very healthy.



1.Contain sweat and remove damp

Sweat a lot in summer and easily lose body fluid. It is necessary to eat sour foods, such as tomatoes, lemons, strawberries, ebony, grapes, hawthorns, pineapples, mangos, kiwis, etc. Their sour taste can restrain sweat, relieve diarrhea and dispel dampness, and can prevent bleeding. Excessive sweating leads to exhaustion of qi and yin and can produce body fluid to quench thirst, invigorate the stomach and eliminate food.



2.Helps digestion

It is important to replenish water in time under continuous high temperatures. Drinking water can maintain adequate blood volume, reduce blood viscosity, excrete toxins, and reduce the burden on the heart and kidneys. However, drinking too much water will dilute the gastric juice and reduce the ability of gastric acid to kill bacteria. Eating some sour foods can increase the acidity of gastric juice, invigorate the spleen and appetite, help sterilization and digestion.

Hot drinks

Most people can't work without a cup of hot coffee or tea in the morning because they believe it will make them feel energized.

While this may be a daily routine for anyone, consuming hot drinks during the summer can increase body temperature and cause dehydration. Replacing them with green tea or iced coffee can help make us healthier, according to Times-News.



3.Help nutrient absorption

In summer, comprehensive and balanced nutrition is most needed. In a very high-temperature environment, the human body consumes a very lot of nutrients! In addition to three meals a day, it is also important to supplement vitamin C, B1, B2, and A, D from vegetables, fruits, and diet. People who lose more calcium should also supplement with high-quality calcium preparations. Eat more sour fruits and foods to increase and help the absorption of nutrients such as calcium.



4.Sterilization and disease prevention

Like eating raw and cold in summer, seasoning with vinegar can not only increase appetite but also kill bacteria in vegetables and prevent intestinal infections.

Hawthorn Congee

Hawthorn, contains good amounts of citric acid, malic acid, and ascorbic acid, enzymes, proteins, and carbohydrates, which can lower our blood pressure and promote gastrointestinal digestion well. If we talk about traditional Chinese medicine In traditional China, it is believed that hawthorn has good stomach and lung nutrition and digestion. Which also works, hawthorn can be brewed with boiling water to replace the tea, but really friends hawthorn tea How would you feel if you do not drink it but drink it, and the tea is lightened. To buy some fried hawthorn in the pharmacy, take 10-15 grams each time, soak it in warm water for a while, then keep it in the pot. Simultaneously with water, and wait until the juice is left in a disposable cup (about 150 ml), and then add 3 cups of water (about 400 ml) and 50 grams of japonica rice to cook the porridge. Wait until the oatmeal is cooked, then add the appropriate amount of sugar to taste.


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