Why we forget things and what is the solution for it?

Why we forget things and what is the solution for it?

How many things we have learned entire our lives. But we can't memorize everything. Why does this happen? Because our brain protects from overloading data. That is why the brain stores all the new information in our short term memory. Not the long one. If we don't repeat it, it will be automatically erased from our brain. 

German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus Who researched the brain and its mechanism has found the forgetting curve. It shows the strength of our memorization. According to the forgetting curve, when we learn something new, after 1 hour, we forget more than half of the information. After a month, we will lose 90% of the story.

 There is a formula to overcome the forgetting curve called the spaced repetition. We can use this formula in two ways. 

1. The spaced repetition to memorize things quickly.

  If you have one night to memorize things, this is a perfect method.

     1. 1st repetition - just after learning

     2. 2nd repetition - after 15-20 minutes

     3. 3rd repetition - after 6-8 hours

     4. 4th repetition - after 24 hours (1 day)

2. The spaced repetition to memorize things for a long time.  

  If you have too much time to remember things, you can overcome the forgetting curve.

     1. 1st repetition - just after learning

     2. 2nd repetition - after 20-90 minutes

     3. 3rd repetition - after one day

     4. 4th repetition - after 2-3 weeks

     5. 5th repetition - after 2-3 months, we can increase our memorization skills following methods.

 01. Understand What we Learn. If we understand what we have learned, we can grasp it by heart or by reading it repeatedly. There is a possibility of remembering the information that has been memorized in such a manner nine times more than the others.

02. Learn only the essential information. In learning, prioritize the information in the most critical order.

03. The beginning and end of note are more likely to be remembered. It is worth considering when studying.

04. Simultaneously shift the focus from one topic to another. But remember, similar memories can be confusing.

05. Learn the opposite. For example, if you are learning a foreign language, reflect in the morning and evening. Opposites are very easy to remember.

06. Build Your "Memory Hall" Our memory is always connected with the surroundings. For example, subjects can be linked to things in the place when studying from room to room. It is worth recalling those facts in that order over and over again. Then you can memorize what was in the room and learn the subject matter.

07. Use "Attachment Words" This method means to attach what you have learned to what you have learned. Then when you remember one thing, you will automatically recognize the other thing. 

08. Connect new words with familiar words. The easiest thing to do when learning a language is to memorize similar words in clusters. Then it will be much easier for you to understand what you do not know.

09. Create stories the way you want. If you're going to memorize a lot of information at once, link them one by one and make a story, a match. When everything is intertwined, it is much easier to remember.

10. Use a tape recorder to record what you learn with a tape recorder. Listen several times. This is the best way for those who love songs and other audio media.

11. Use posture, gestures, and body language when learning to imagine images. Imagine your unique vision.

12. Choose the best Stop using outdated, out-of-date books and learning methods immediately. If you are using an ancient edition of a book, many of the book's points and theories may have changed in the present. So do not waste your time on things that might go wrong.

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