Why venom was a bad movie?

Venom is a 2018 movie that is based on Marvel comics. Venom is the villain in spiderman. Venom was my favorite marvel villain when I was a kid. I was really looking forward to this movie while I did enjoy it there were many things in this movie I didn't like. 




While exploring space the probe of bio-engineering co-operation life foundation discovers comet with symbiotic lifeforms. The life foundation later transports the symbiotes to the research facilities at San Francisco where they find out that symbiotes cannot live without a human host. Carlton Drake, the owner of the research facilities who believe that Planet Earth is about to get extinct does experiments on vulnerable people so that he can find a suitable host.

Eddie Brock, a reporter whose job is to go after people who don't want to be followed and destroy shady business gets his eye on the research facilities where he accuses Carlton Drake of conducting dangerous experiments on people. Having no evidence, the accusation doesn't go any further. Carlton Drake is a very powerful man who makes Eddie lose his job. Dora Skirth a worker in the life foundation goes against Carlton because the experiments he conducted killed innocent life and decides to break Into the lab. When they break through the lab Eddie gets possessed by a symbiote who refers to himself as venom.



Interaction between Venom and Eddie

Venom reveals himself to Eddie and talks to him

There wasn't really much interaction between Venom and Eddie aside from some joke moments that were supposed to be funny. I mean it's really good for there to have some comedic moments but the entire interaction between Venom and Eddie seemed very poorly where venom they are only talking when Venom needs food or when Eddie is in trouble like when he was being chased by Carlton's men.




The action scenes, in particular, weren't really that interesting. The fights were just boring. We had the scene in the bike where Eddie was being chased by Carlton's men. We had all the crazy stunts being performed there. That was only the scene I actually enjoyed. Aside from that, the fights were garbage. most of the actions were done by venom who controlled. I was actually expecting Eddie to get control of venom and do the action. But it's just Eddie being a puppet controlled by Venom. And most of the fights that venom is in happens at night. I mean Venom is black and when all the action is happening at night what the fuck are people around going to see aside from Darkness. And we had the scene where venom and the symbiote are fighting and Eddie and Carlton are also fighting which is just a huge CGI. Anne didn't do much aside from the scene where she pushes the button. I mean she didn't have much screen time throughout the whole movie. I don't really have some memorable fight I remember in this movie. 




Eddie and Carlton

Carlton was a really interesting villain with a clearly defined goal and had good character motivation. he is portrayed as someone who really cares about humanity and wants to save the human race from extinction but he is also ruthless and doesn't really care if people die if it means reaching his goal. The setup was good but it had a really horrible payoff because he just dies later on. Maybe the movie would have been if he got arrested and confessed his crimes. I mean he did have good intentions.

Overall, this was a really bad movie in my opinion. 

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