Why Do I Hate Obesity So Much?

Obesity is indeed more than a curse for me, and it should be the same for all you. Why do I obesity so much? There are many reasons for this rapidly increasing epidemic worldwide. Many people are not aware of what they eat in their everyday life routines. Our food patterns have become very poor, and we do not look after our health at all.

Countless people and individuals in the United States of America have been undergoing binge eating disorders. Obesity has evolved as a global pandemic. What are the most contributing factors to this fatal disease? We need to know about the causes of obesity. Please read ahead:

The Most Contributing Factors of Obesity

1. Poor Dietary Habits & Sedentary Lifestyle

One of the most significant factors of this rapidly increasing disease in the world is poor dietary habits like fast food, junk food, heavy fat dairy products, chocolates, and oily and spicy foodstuffs. These types of unhealthy eating have got nothing to do for you except damaging your body and overall fitness. This is what exactly I am talking about your weak and sedentary lifestyle.

I hate to become so lazy, sleepy, and inactive ever throughout my life. If you don't believe in this, look at the below example picture of a sedentary lifestyle. It is more than a curse for me, and I don't want to become like that guy. I would humbly request you to change your existence from unhealthy food patterns and sedentary lifestyles to a healthy lifestyle.

2. Binge Eating

Perhaps, this is one of the biggest causes of obesity in the world, and countless adults are suffering from this fatal disease because of their poor lifestyle and binge eating habits. If you want to develop a beautiful, smart and glamorous body, you will have to stop eating junk foods and high calorie based food items as quickly as possible since they are the most significant cause of hypertension, diabetes, and even death in America. 

3. Bad Carbohydrates 

There are usually two types of carbohydrates for human body consumption, called as good carbs and bad carbs. I am pointing out bad carbs that could severely damage your body and overall fitness. In this regard, all sugary drinks are hazardous for your health like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Mirinda, Processed Fruit Juices, White Rice, and White Bread. Thus, you will have to make good choices between good carbs and bad carbs while taking your daily meal. 

4. Psychological Factors

Some psychological reasons and factors could cause your obesity severely. It involves your poor body structure, the element of negativity, emotional eating disorder, low self-esteem, lack of self-realization, lack of self-criticism, overconfidence, lack of knowledge, lack of seriousness and lack of honesty. It might also include social anxiety, depression, stress, bipolar disorder, and many other psychological diseases. These factors could trigger obesity if you are not serious about your health. 

5. Genetics 

Obesity is also related to genetics. If you have obesity history in your family or clan, it means that you have a family history regarding this fatal disease. Obesity is directly linked to cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, anxiety, depression, and many other chronic diseases. One of the biggest reasons for this chronic disease is your genetics. So, you need to be very careful in this regard and consult your doctor immediately on how to prevent obesity. 

6. Other Factors of Brutal Obesity

Finally, there are many other critical factors of this life-threatening disease among both men and women. The other essential elements of corpulence are given as below:

Drugs and medications

Extensive alcohol consumption


Lack of sleeping 




If you want to know more about obesity, please continue to read my next article about obesity. It is going to be very helpful to you. Thank you very much for reading my article.  






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Muhammad Umar is a highly skilled writer having 15 years of vast content writing experience in the Global Content Industry. He executes client’s projects with all of their requirements efficiently. He provides professional content writing services to modern businesses in various disciplines, including Science, Technology, Entertainment, Health, Education, Business, Sports, Gaming, Arts, Economics and much more. Being an experienced writer and as a part of many emerging digital marketing companies, he offers best content writing services to businesses worldwide. He believes that content is king through which businesses can generate organic traffic to their websites and get higher search engine rankings and return on investment (ROI) permanently. A unique and sales-pitched content can be produced to boost business identity, credibility, exposure of any business. He has an intellectual knowledge and creative writing ability that can help you to boost your brand image globally. He has some amazing hobbies like aerobics, jogging, body building, writing, photography, video making and social gatherings. Muhammad Umar is a very loving, affectionate and caring person. He believes ‘God is Love’ and life is to ‘Serve Humanity’, no matter what religion you belongs to. Respect to all and always have a smile on your face whether you are a winner or loser. Life is an endless journey that goes on and on. Be positive and get motivated to face the challenge of life. Cheers! I offer professional content writing services to various online businesses ranging from health & fitness to lifestyle, fashion to technology, online video games to travel, real estates to web designing, search engine optimization (SEO), wholesale jewelry to watches, mobile phones, gadgets, hotels to cooking, printing to music, law to business and economics to much more.