The Obesity Solution Secret: How to Eat to Lose Fat

I interviewed top bodybuilders about eating for their training and livelihood and have done so for years and years.  One theme that comes up again and again when switching to diet/nutrition is how far the daily diet food bodybuilders pack.  These men were taught how to constantly burn more calories without turning their bodies into fat.  Eat one meal a day and contrast with a normal obese person who adds body fat at the cap drop.  I work with a team of people who have ese deficiency and have had great success using modified bodybuilder eating strategies to help ese lose body fat.


The first order of business for Ese arrears is to set up a multi-meal schedule. The obvious advantage of this strategy is that it divides the daily calories into smaller portions.  I need a person with ese arrears to eat every three hours and this usually works up to five feedings per day.  Second, we insist that they clean up food choices.  Some foods are easily converted into body fat (sugary foods, man-made foods, and saturated fat) and some foods are impossible to convert into body fat (lean protein, fibrous carbohydrates).  The body's metabolism enters high gear to digest protein and fiber - known as the thermogenic effect of food.  Body temperature actually rises when the digestive system is faced with the difficult task of breaking down hard-to-digest protein and fiber.


Multiple meals allow any single sitting body to deal with fewer calories and eating 5-6 meals a day repeatedly teaches the body to become proficient in digesting and distributing food.  It is better to divide 3,000 "clean" calories per day into six five hundred calorie meals than a 1,500 calorie mega-dirty fast-food meal.


The results are surprising when purchasing the Ob arrears policy.  To me, a man lost 40 pounds of body weight in 40 days while gaining 12-pounds of muscle.  He started at 240 and his weight yesterday was 200. It was very impressive because he did not lose muscle in the process, he added muscle in the process.  This is not a former jack loaded with muscle memory; This is a 48-year-old man with zero weight training experience.


Those with a calorie-reducing ese balance lose muscle fat and end up with miniaturized versions of old fat. This modified bodybuilder approach melts fat when building muscle at the same time: ese The person with leftovers eats more and the direct result feels stronger and more powerful in the process.  In contrast to the calorie-slasher‌, it seems to be rejected, rejected, and constantly on the verge of overindulgence.  A person who eats a healthy diet every three hours is much less likely to consume more food than a person with a poor ese balance who weighs 1200 calories per day.  A person with a calorie-hungry ese balance has set their calorie ceiling very low, so eating a candy bar or ice cream bowl can add five pounds in 24 hours.


Adding functional muscles and building strength makes ese balance mobile and proficient in climbing steps, getting out of a low chair and gaining more energy around them.  Compare this to a calorie-slasher that weakens their already weak body.  Those who rely on deprivation to lose weight weaken the immune system and suffer from frequent colds and illnesses.


Those who live on 1000 to 1500 calories per day live in a stressful mental world of denial.  A person who has increased their metabolism and consumes 3,000 calories per day can occasionally overeat, much better than a hungry person; I allow myself a deceptive meal once a week: it allows me to be mentally free.  The interesting thing about cheat meals (not cheat day - cheat meals) is that the rest of the 6 7/8 time the body rejects the sweet, fat, and waste they want and can eat and scientifically results in diarrhea.


I am currently training five ese obese people - one man and four women - and all are experiencing similarly amazing results: everyone is losing unhealthy fat while building functional muscle and eating more food than they did before they started the process.  This negative approach - eat more to lose fat - is torn from the champion bodybuilders playbook and can be used to great effect by anyone interested in losing fat while adding muscle.

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