What are the 3 rules to eat to live a healthy life?

Everyone needs to follow certain rules to follow a healthy eating habit. These rules will help you move your diet in healthier ways. Let's seeThe idea is that everyone should bring only healthy food. But not everyone can fill the idea is to bring only healthy food for everyone. But not everyone can follow it to the last. Even those on a healthy diet sometimes have to relax their diet and take their favorite junk food because dieting here is seen as a difficult thing to follow. Even more so if we go to a party or party and look at our favorite food and our diet stuff disappears. Ow it to the last. Gets. But the only way we can live healthily is to make healthy food.



Eating Habits

By now you will know a lot of things about what kind of food to take and what to avoid. But none of us know the basic formula of how to follow what. That is why we are unable to follow healthy eating habits.

So in this section, we will look at 10 basic rules for you to follow healthy eating habits. This will definitely make a big difference in your eating habits. Following these tips can help prevent cancer, heart disease, and other serious illnesses. Helps to reduce body weight.

By now you will know a lot of things about what kind of food to take and what to avoid. But none of us know the basic formula of how to follow what. That is why we are unable to follow healthy eating habits.

So in this section, we will look at 10 basic rules for you to follow healthy eating habits. This will definitely make a big difference in your eating habits. Following these tips can help prevent cancer, heart disease, and other serious illnesses. Helps to reduce body weight.




Rule 1: Make sure your breakfast does not exceed 300 calories. Be it Italian or Puri, or Boha, be sure to follow your calorie count. You can also take low-calorie foods like apples, oats, soup. Take foods like oil-free it and puri.

Rule: 2 Your breakfast should contain at least 10 grams of protein, a small number of healthy fats, and fiber. Refined grains should not take place. For healthy protein, you can eat eggs, milk, quinoa, Greek yogurt, beans, peanut butter, etc.




Rule 3: Make sure your lunch does not exceed 400-500 calories. Eat bread and sandwiches with salads but keep the calories high. Easy Ways to Reduce Calories Avoid eating twice, using a plate to eat your lunch, avoiding TV while eating to avoid overeating.

Rule 4 You should have 50 percent vegetables in your lunch. If you eat vegetables with rice, you should only fill your plate with half the vegetables.




Rule 5: Your dinner should not exceed 400 calories. Do not take heavy meals at night for our lifestyle. Rule 6: Your dinner should include 50 percent vegetables (radish, carrots, leafy vegetables, cabbage, brussels sprouts, pumpkin, cucumber, spring onions, celery, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, okra, eggplant, cauliflower, etc.), 25 Add percentage protein and whole grains.



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