Top 5 rules for a healthy lifestyle

1. 4:00 am a rule

The time is most favorable for waking up; nature is at peace, the mind is more focused. This can be the time where you can make better decisions; you can meditate on your life. You can go for a walk, and it's so much peace out there. Be in that peace, calm your mind and enjoy the beauty of it. This can also be the time for creative things.

2. Deep breathing

Now, after you wake up, this is the time for every important thing for every living being. i.e., breathing and not just breathing we usulall6 do but deep breathing. Do inhalation for around 5 sec and slowly exhale 10-15 sec. We don't do deep breathing usually as subconsciously we are not programmed to whenever you get time, focus on your breath and breathe deeply. It can reduce aging, calm your mind, you can have better attention. You can work with certain ease and comfort. 

3. Stretching poses

In our sedentary lifestyle, we face muscle strain and tension in most parts of the body. We can overcome this by doing some yogic poses. And it can be done by anybody. Our physical posture has a huge impact on our mental health. It can relieve us from stress. You can do surya namskar. It has a great impact on your physical health. It is also good for people going to the gym; stretching can help them make their bodies more flexible. 

4. Chew food properly

We have always heard from our parents and grandparents to chew food properly. This can significantly enhance our lifestyle and decrease our sleep quota. If we chew food well, most of the digestion will happen in the mouth, there will be less tension on the stomach, food will be digested properly, and you won't feel lethargy. It is good for both underweight and overweight. We can get optimum weight. You can easily wake up at 4:00 am. 

5. Limit your phone usage

All the tips mentioned earlier will help us relieve stress, but it will go all in vain if we don't limit our phone usage. Seeing the shorts video, reels can have a damaging effect on our brain; the more fragmented our mind will be, the worst lifestyle will it be. So we should use phones only when it's necessary but not unnecessarily, it can increase stress.  It can be a reason for eye strain. Use a phone with eye protection mode; instead of watching a short video, you can watch podcasts documentaries.


If you follow these lifestyle habits, you can notice a huge difference within a month or two. Following a good habit is a good thing, but at the same time, you have to say no to bad habits. You should identify the things you have been doing wrong and only you can identify those. Whatever things you are doing, do it consciously.

Thanks for reading my article; if I have created some value in your life, I am grateful. Have a nice day.

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