Top 5 Ways to Make Skin Beautiful and Relieve Stress

All fruits are powerhouses of vitamins (A, C, E), antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that are very beneficial for the skin and can add glow to the skin, delay the signs of aging, and skin congestion And can also relieve stress. In this post, we have listed five stress relief recipes with fruits for the skin to rejuvenate your skin and rejuvenate it completely.


So let's get started!

1. Brightening Strawberry Mask:-

This is a popular mask and definitely works wonders for the skin. If your skin is dull, dehydrated, and severely affected by high pollution levels, then this is definitely a must-try.


Strawberries (3-4, washed and chopped) Yogurt (2 teaspoons) honey (1 teaspoon) How to make: - Combine all the three ingredients in a blender and make a smooth paste. Apply liberally to face and neck. It will flow a little, so rest with it on your face. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Wash with cold water. Pat dry.

Benefits: -

Strawberry nourishes and revitalizes your skin. Strawberries are acidic in nature and help remove excess sebum on the skin. The juice is very efficient in lightening the scars and acne scars. Yogurt increases moisture, makes the skin more elastic, and improves radiance. Honey is a gentle and smooth skin, making it velvety soft.

2. Refreshing Cranberry Mask:-

If your skin is lacking in the glow and you are tired and stressed, then you should give this power pack a shot. It will deeply freshen your skin and give it a vibrant glow. Ingredients: - Cranberry (about 4-5, cleaned and washed) Aloe vera gel (1 teaspoon) curd or milk (about 1-2 teaspoons, whatever suits your skin)

How to make: -

Easy! Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend to form a smooth paste. Apply on the face and neck, leaving it for 20 minutes. Wipe with a wet muslin cloth. Follow with a moisturizer. Benefits: - Cranberries contain a load of vitamin C, which is necessary for the formation of hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine, and amino acids that produce collagen in the body. Also, it makes the skin of the skin soft, firm, and healthy. Aloe vera gel brightens the skin, reduces irritation, and hydrates the skin. Yogurt gives a healthy glow. Milk improves complexion, reduces tan, nourishes, and develops skin.

3. Anti-aging Blueberry Mask: -

Blueberries are a superfood for skin, and mature skin can benefit greatly from this beneficial fruit. If you are in your late twenties and early thirties, you can apply it to prevent signs of aging. It also works well for people with sagging, lifeless skin as it gives a firm, toned look.

Ingredients: -

Blueberry (4-5, washed and cleaned) Oats (2 tablespoons) Vitamin E (2 capsules) Olive oil (1 Tbsp) How to make: This anti-aging mask is simple to whip. Blend some blueberries, olive oil, and oats to make a smooth paste. Now add Vitamin E (you can add the contents of the capsule directly) and mix. Apply generously to make a layer evenly. Leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash and apply a toner. Moisture as usual.

Benefits: -

Blueberries are excellent for aging skin, as they are powerful in antioxidants and vitamin C. Oatmeal is moisturizing and helps remove dead skin cells. Vitamin E oil works by blocking free radicals from the body, which play a big part in the aging process. Olive oil can smooth, smooth, and nourish the skin.

4. Watermelon and Strawberry Face Scrub / Mask: -

Essential Ingredients: 4 pieces of watermelon. Three strawberries. 2 tbsp rice powder (slightly thick and not finely). If your skin is very sensitive, you can use oatmeal instead of rice powder. 1 tbsp honey

How to make: -

Cut watermelon and strawberries into small pieces. Mash the pieces with the help of a spoon/fork or, if you are lazy like me, blend them and make a paste. If your skin is too dry, then add 1 tsp honey or more, because honey hydrates the skin really well and adds it. Then, add one teaspoon rice powder (as it will not dissolve). I did not have rice powder, so I mixed the rice and made its powder. If you find that rice powder is too hard for your skin, you can substitute it with oatmeal. Now, fresh homemade watermelon and strawberry face and body scrub are ready.

5. Guava Face Pack for instantly fresh and glowing skin: -

Essential Ingredients: A few pieces of Guava. Half banana 1 tbsp honey. 1 tbsp yogurt

Benefits: -

Guava helps improve complexion, and it can also remove dark spots. It brightens dull skin to hide the skin tan. Guava is a rich source of vitamins A, B, and C that carries great antioxidant properties. It keeps the skin hydrated and also acts as an excellent aging ingredient. It makes the skin instantly clean and refreshed. Yogurt works great for glowing and smooth skin. It also tightens large pores on the skin. Yogurt has anti-aging components that keep your skin young and flawless. It can change your dull skin and give you glowing, glowing, and clean skin. Banana is rich in various vitamins. It can even out your skin tone. It can also prevent dark spots. Its powerful nutrients can improve the texture of your skin, along with its nutritional effects. Banana works wonders for dry skin. Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it is very good for treating acne. It is full of antioxidants; It is also very good for anti-aging. It is extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it helps create a radiant glow. The honey is clarifying as it opens the pores, making it an easy process.

Procedure: -

1. Make a thick paste of guava and banana in the ratio of 1: 1. You can separate the seeds from the guava paste, but here I forgot to do it. Although this is not a big deal. 2. Mix 1 tbsp plain yogurt with banana paste and mix them well. 3. Next, add guava paste with the prepared mixture and mix them well. 4. Now, the last step is to add some honey to the mixture, and then mix them all well. 5. You are ready with your mask. The consistency of this mask should be slightly thick. Apply this mask on your cleansed face and leave it for 30 minutes. Once it dries completely, rinses with normal water. All the ingredients are great for the skin, and this mask suits every skin type well. It gives a very natural glow to the skin. It helps provide a good and refreshing effect to my dull face. It also removes unnecessary darkness on the skin and leaves a glowing face. The shine also lasts well for a few days.

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Deepak kumar joshi - Aug 5, 2020, 2:46 PM - Add Reply

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Deepak kumar joshi - Aug 5, 2020, 2:45 PM - Add Reply

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