Top 5 Immunity-Boosting Food Items

How Can your immunity protect you-


The immune system of your body protects you against diseases or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. If you take care of your immune system and it functions properly, then it identifies and attacks a variety of threats, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating limited added sugars, and managing your stress levels are the most important things to do to strengthen your immune system, but there are certain food items that will surely help you to boost your immunity.

So let us begin our list of Top 5 Immunity-Boosting Food Items 

1. Citrus Fruits-

Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C present in the citrus fruits helps to build up your immune system.  Vitamin C is known to increase the production of White Blood Cells, which are very important for fighting infections. The most popular citrus fruits include Grapefruit, Oranges, and Lemons. Like the body, itself is incapable of producing Vitamin C on its own daily intake of Vitamin C is recommended in some form. Vitamin C is also known to help in recovering from cold.

2. Garlic-


Used in a lot of cuisines around the globe, garlic not only adds flavor to your favorite food, but it is also a must-have for good health. Ancient civilizations used garlic in fighting infections. Garlic helps to lower blood pressure. It's immunity-boosting properties come from sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin. Adding garlic in your daily diet will surely help to boost your immunity.

3. Ginger-


Ginger, just like garlic, is used all around the globe. It is widely used in many homemade remedies for various diseases around the world. Ginger helps in decreasing inflammation, thus helping to reduce sore throat and inflammatory illnesses. Ginger is also known to decrease chronic pain, and it even possesses properties that help in lowering cholesterol, thus making you healthy and fit overall. 

4. Spinach-


You have ever wondered how one of our favorite cartoon character Popeye the Sailorman got a lot of energy after eating spinach? Packed with not only a good amount of Vitamin C spinach also has numerous antioxidants and beta carotene, which helps to increase the infection-fighting ability of the immune system. Spinach is healthiest when cooked as little as possible as it helps to retain its nutrients. Now you know why your mother always forced you to eat spinach.

5. Almonds-


Being one of the most popular tree nuts around the world, almonds are one of the healthiest things you can add to your diet. Having a good amount of healthy fats, it not only helps in the proper functioning of your brain but it also helps you in losing weight. It has a good amount of Vitamin E which is a very powerful antioxidant which is a key to a healthy immune system. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it requires fat to be absorbed properly thus the healthy fats present in nuts like almonds help in it's absorption. Adding almonds to your daily diet will not only help you to boost your immunity but it also helps in providing good cholesterol to your body keeping you overall healthy and fit.

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