Soya Supplements used for Human Health

Soya Supplements

1. Soya Beans Comes in Soy. Soya Beans Can be Processed into Soy Protein, Soy Milk, Soya Flour.


2. The Boiled or Roasted Beans can also be eaten. Soy is also taken by mouth and applied to the skin as a medicine.


3. Soya is used for High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Disease.


4. The Active ingredients in soy are called isoflavones. A Study of the quality of commercially available Soy Supplements Suggests that less than 25% of products contain the amount stated on the label.


Soya Work

1. Soya contains "isoflavones," which are changed in the body to "Phytoestrogens," which are similar to the hormone estrogen.


Soya Possibly Effective for

1. Soya Supplements is Effective Breast Cancer. Eating large amounts of soy might help prevent Breast Cancer or Breast Cancer Recurrence in some people. But there's no reliable evidence that soy supplements work. Taking Soy Supplements doesn't seem to have any benefit.


2. Lont-term kidney disease (Chronic kidney disease or CKD). Taking Soy Protein by mouth seems to reduce protein in the urine in people with CKD. It also appears to reduce levels of certain nutrients and waste products, such as phosphorus and creatinine. These molecules can build up in the blood of people with CKD.


3. Diabetes. Most research suggests that consuming soy products containing soy protein, soy fiber, or fermented soy reduces Blood Sugar Levels in people with diabetes.


4. Diarrhea. Feeding infants formula supplemented with soy fiber, alone or together with rehydration solution, seems to reduce the duration of diarrhea compared to cow's milk formula or rehydration solution alone. However, in some studies, formula supplemented with Soya was no more beneficial than cow's milk formula. In adults, early evidence suggests that taking soy fiber does not decrease the incidence of diarrhea.


5. High levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood (Hyperlipidemia). Eating soy protein in place of different dietary proteins or using soy fiber products seems to slightly reduce total cholesterol and "bad cholesterol" (low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol). Soy protein that contains higher amounts of an ingredient called isoflavones might work better than soy protein with little or no isoflavones. Also, soy might work better in people with high cholesterol that is more severe. Supplements containing purified soy isoflavones dons seem to work. Soy doesn't seem to lower Triglycerides. Also, most research shows that soy doesn't increase "good cholesterol" (High-Density lipoprotein (DHL) cholesterol).


6. High blood pressure. Most research shows that eating soy protein can reduce systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading) by about 4-8 mmHg and Diastolic Blood Pressure (the bottom number) by about 3-5 mmHg in people with slightly high blood pressure.


7. A long-term disorder of the large intestines that causes Stomach Pain (irritable bowel syndrome or IBS). Some research suggests that taking soy isoflavones can improve symptoms of IBS, Such as stomach pain.


8. Obesity. Some research shows that eating a soy-based, low-calorie diet can reduce weight in obese and overweight people more than a low-calorie diet alone. Eating Foods containing soy fiber might also improve weight loss. Replacing meat protein with soy protein in the diet might improve weight loss in women.

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