Power yoga for the abdominal muscles: exercise abdominal muscles and lose belly fat with yoga

A flat, defined stomach is visually appealing and for many a reason for more training and a healthy diet. However, not only the optical component should be an incentive. A strong core is also very important for a healthy posture, which is only possible if the back and abdominal muscles are strong enough.

The training of the abdominal muscles so really worth it. If you don't like classic abdominal muscle training with crunches or sit-ups and prefer to take it a little more calmly, but no less effectively, yoga is just right for you. There are many yoga exercises that can strengthen your abs and have other positive effects on the body.

In this article, you will learn some yoga poses for the abdominal muscles that are suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners. In addition to detailed instructions, I'll show you a training plan that combines these exercises. If you carry out the plan on a regular basis, you will soon see the first results.

What do you need for training?

You don't actually need any special equipment for training. A sports/yoga mat or another softer, non-slip surface would be beneficial. You may also have a towel, blanket, or small pillow ready, these can make some poses more comfortable for you.

Otherwise, you should wear comfortable clothing that you feel comfortable in and that does not restrict you.

Tips for implementation

The exercises are explained here in writing and illustrated with pictures. This will give you a good feeling of what the pose should look like.

Of course, the feedback from a trained yoga trainer is particularly valuable. These can best correct your postures so that you can learn how to do it right away and avoid mistakes.

If you'd rather just practice at home, you could film your exercise and see if you're doing the exercise correctly.

Another important tip before we start with the exercises: Do not overwhelm yourself! If an exercise is too difficult for you, leave it out. There's absolutely no shame in doing the basic version everywhere. We all started small. Done correctly, the lighter versions are also effective.

Yoga Abdominal Exercise # 1: Navasana / Boat Pose

The boat posture is a fantastic yoga exercise for the entire abdominal muscles.

If you are at the beginning of your workout, your abdominal muscles are probably not that well developed. In addition, it is often the case that the muscles on the back of the leg are shortened. In this case, you should do this exercise with your legs bent rather than straight, or you may be doing the wrong thing.

Always make sure that your back is straight and the neck muscles are relaxed. The abdominal muscles are very tense.

How to do the exercise:

You lie on your back. From this position, you now bend your legs and put your feet behind your buttocks.

Press your pelvis, bottom, and lumbar spine area well into the floor.

Now bring your upper body into position with the help of your arms. Then come up with your legs and hold this position for a few seconds. You stretch your arms straight forward, your fingers are spread apart and your palms point inwards. Pull your shoulder blades back and down and relax your neck, breathing evenly. Hold the position for a few breaths.

To get out of position, slowly lower your upper body and legs.

This is how advanced users can vary the exercise:

Do and hold the exercise. Then you start moving your arms a little, lowering your feet, coming back up, and so on. Be dynamic, but always make sure to keep your core stable and your spine straight.

For training your lateral abdominal muscles: Get into the boat position, but this time cross your hands behind your neck. When you exhale, turn the center of your body to the right, when you inhale come back to the center, then do the same to the other side.

Yoga abdominal exercise # 2: Vasisthasana on the forearms/side plank

The Vasisthasana pose not only strengthens your abdominal muscles but also challenges your arm and back muscles and trains your sense of balance.

How to do the exercise:

Lie on your side and make sure your back is straight. Activate your core by tensing your stomach.

Now come on your right forearm and support yourself with it. The right elbow is under the right shoulder, the forearm is parallel to the front edge of the yoga mat.

Optional: Now lift your left arm and left leg.

Tense your entire body and try to keep your balance. Extend your arms and legs if the exercise is easy for you up to this point. Hold the pose for a few breaths. Then come back down.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

You can vary the exercise as follows:

For beginners: In the beginning, especially if you still have problems with balance, you can put your foot in front of the other leg. This stabilizes and allows you to stay in the pose longer.

For advanced users: Do not do the exercise on your forearm, but extend your arm completely. That takes a lot of strength and balance.

For professionals: If you want to challenge yourself, even more, you can do the exercise dynamically. You are in the basic position, i.e. supported on your forearm, the leg and arm are raised.

Then pull your arm and leg towards each other as you exhale, and straighten them again as you inhale. Repeat this a few times until you can feel your lateral abdominal muscles intensely. Then repeat for the other side.

Yoga Abdominal Exercise # 3: Chaturanga / The Board

You probably already know Chaturanga from other workout plans. This pose is very similar to the full plank, i.e. the push-up position. This yoga pose is a highly effective exercise that strengthens your abdominal muscles, but also your arms and shoulders, as well as your chest, leg, and back muscles.

How to do the exercise:

Get into the push-up position and lower yourself. Make sure that your entire body is under tension. The fingers should be fanned out and the hands should be under the shoulders.

Put your weight on your toes and move your entire body a little forward so that your shoulders are no longer directly above your wrists, but a little in front of them. Your elbows are bent. But keep them close to your body and don't push them outwards. Your upper arms should form approximately a right angle with your forearms.

Tense the body well and hold the position for a few breaths.

This is how beginners can vary the exercise:

Chaturanga is quite a difficult exercise that is difficult to perform, especially at the beginning. So stick to the classic planks in forearm support for the first few exercises. This is very good preparation for Chaturanga and also an extremely effective exercise for the stomach and the remaining core muscles.

Yoga Abdominal Exercise # 4: Salabhasana / The Locust

The grasshopper is valuable to your body in many ways. It strengthens the back muscles, the abdominal muscles are strengthened, and it is said to have an effect on the mood.

This exercise is intended to stimulate circulation and increase happiness. However, only after the exercise, because it is quite demanding, even if it doesn't look like it at all.

In this yoga pose, it is really important that you always keep body tension. Pay attention to it consciously!

How to do the exercise:

Lie face down on the mat. Extend your arms and position them on the sides of your body so that your hands point towards your buttocks. Try not to contract your shoulder blades too much.

Now tense your stomach very tightly and press your lower body firmly into the mat. Also, tighten your glutes well.

As you inhale, raise your arms and legs as far as you can. Your head is always straight and your gaze is focused on a point in front of you on the floor. Try to lengthen your body and hold this position for a few breaths.

As you exhale, gently sink back onto the mat.

If it is still difficult for you to lift your arms and legs at the same time while maintaining the necessary body tension, first only lift your legs. Place your arms next to your body.

Yoga Abdominal Exercise # 5: Downward Facing Dog with Core Crunches

The dog looking down is arguably one of the most famous yoga exercises. In this variant it is a particularly good workout for your abdominal muscles. You also use it to stretch the hamstrings and calf muscles and strengthen the shoulder muscles.

How to do the exercise:

You start in the four-legged position. The wrists are under the shoulder and the knees are under the hips. The fingers are fanned out.

Stand on tiptoe and lift your buttocks back and up, pressing your hands firmly into the ground. Try to bring your heels towards the floor.

Your arms are stretched out and your ears are between your arms. It is very important to always have a straight back. It's not about having your heel on the ground. If that doesn't work yet, bend your knees a little so that your back is straight and check this in the mirror.

Make the spine long and breathe evenly.

If you are stable in this position, lift one leg and bring your knee slowly and in a controlled manner to your arms, hold it there briefly and then come back into the dog looking down. Do the same with the other side.

This is how advanced users can vary the exercise:

To make the exercise a little more difficult, you can stretch your leg up and back for a long time before you bring it to your arm. But always do this exercise with full body tension and slowly and in a controlled manner.

minute yoga training plan for the stomach

To give you some structure for a workout with these exercises, you will find a training plan below that packs the poses into a ten-minute training routine. You should always adapt the plan to your level and increase or decrease the repetitions depending on the intensity.

When holding the poses, we only give approximate times. Hold the position for as long as you can with your best execution. A slightly shorter pose is more effective than a long false pose with too little body tension. Better to take a short break and then get into the pose again.

Always warm up well before a yoga workout. For example, take a short lap, do jumping jacks, circle your shoulders, and so on.

Exercise sequence

This exercise sequence twice is performed twice. If you want to train more intensively, you can of course do them more often or increase the holding time and repetitions of the exercises.


Hold the position for 15 seconds , relax briefly on the mat, then repeat for 15 seconds .


Get into the position (beginners go into the classic plank position) and hold it for 30 seconds . Lie down briefly relaxed on the mat, take a deep breath and repeat the exercise for 30 seconds .


Get into the position (choose the right variant depending on your level of training) and hold it for 15 seconds per side . Take a few deep breaths and repeat the exercise again on both sides.

Downward facing dog with core crunches

Do 10 repetitions per side , alternating. Then come back to the four-legged position and take a short breath. Then repeat the exercise again.


Get into the position and hold it steady for 30 seconds . Put your arms and legs down briefly and relax, and repeat the exercise for 30 seconds .



Yoga not only strengthens the mind, but can also really challenge your abdominal muscles. I promise you, sore muscles are guaranteed the next day.

The great thing about the exercises is that you can adapt them individually to your skills. Make sure you do the positions correctly, switch back one level at first and listen carefully to your body.

I hope you enjoy doing the exercises!

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MD SHUVO MIA - Oct 4, 2020, 8:21 AM - Add Reply


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