How your body changes for winter?

Winter has knocked. Cold winds have started moving. In such a situation, it is important to take special care of your health. Because during the winter season, there are many changes in our body, which can be both beneficial or harmful. But do you know why this happens and how it affects your health?

1. You must have often seen that as winter progresses, the more you need to go to the toilet. But have you ever wondered why this happens? Let us know that due to the pressure on the blood vessels present in the body due to cold, our blood pressure increases. Due to an increase in blood pressure, a person comes to the toilet again and again. Not only this, high blood pressure can also cause serious problems like brain stroke. Therefore, in order to keep yourself healthy during the winter season, it is important that as soon as you feel the need to go to the toilet, you can go to the toilet at the same time and relieve yourself.

2. You will be more than happy to know that your calories are reduced in the winter without dieting and exercising. Actually, to stay warm in cold weather, the body has to generate maximum heat by itself. Because of which your calories get burnt without doing anything.

3. In the winter season, you may find it normal to have trouble getting up in the morning, but the reality is completely different. Actually, days become shorter and nights are longer in winter. Due to lake of much sunlight, there is deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. Due to which we start feeling more lethargic in this season. The second reason is that during this season, the level of melatonin hormone increases in our body, due to this hormone we get more sleep, as well as it disturb our sleep patterns. Due to which we feel more lethargic in this season.

4. In this season, the most feared winter. Because our body is trying to keep pace with the weather, due to this it needs more energy. In this season, infection hurts especially children whose body takes time to adapt to the weather.

5. It is not only the time of change in the weather, our body also tries to adjust with the changing time, the days start getting shorter, the nights start getting longer. The temperature starts decreasing. The humidity in the air also starts to decrease. But with this, the wind direction also starts changing. The direction of the winds that are blowing from south to north, and from east to west, also changes.

6. The needs of children also change rapidly in the changing season. As soon as the cold subsides, they start feeling hot, they want to take off sweaters or drink cold water soon. This is what we call a case of cold and hot. It is said that there are diseases or infractions in cold-hot children. As the cold subsides, the temperature in the atmosphere rises. Increased temperature is suitable for bacteria and viruses to flourish, if there is moisture in the environment, then it becomes icing on the cake. In this season, children come easily and quickly under their influence if bacteria and viruses are flourishing. This is not only due to clod and hot.

7. When the weather changes, the body starts to feel the need to change the routine. He has to invest a alot of energy to change his daylight. In such a situation, there is no enthusiasm and agility in the body of people which remains in the rest of the days. At the same time, our mind and mind keeps trying to work in the same way. The result of this is that our body feels tired quickly and the body demands sleep during the day.

8. The immune system decreases in the changing season. In such a situation, cold and fever are common. Special attention is needed in the matter of food and living. Hot drinks should be consumed more in the winter. In the summer, plenty of water and other beverages should be consumed. Cases of viral of fever are the highest in such climates. Children are also prone to viral fever along with elders. Children and the elderly need to take precaution in this season. Sometimes due to cold weather, sometimes cold, cough, cold, fever, diseases are bothering people. Children are vulnerable to them first.

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