How to take measures to be happy with healthy and fit, adopt meditation and be happy in your life.


      Meditation is a practice in which a person focuses on using a technique such as meditation, a particular object, idea or activity so the focus and awareness can be implemented. its practice consoles and stability.


  Meditation is called concentration, which is to control the running floating desires in the mind .meditation is a way that makes it better to improve our lives. this does not contribute to keeping cable mental physically forces. The walk also helps in achieving the purpose of our lives. still, all the people in the meditation will not even know what is meditation .and how do they go unaware of people.

     Meditation is a way that you can control your desires .and can clam your mind and achieve the purpose of your life.

   You can also do meditation. but from 5 o clock in the morning and at the time of 5 pm, it is considered best for meditation in the time and a quiet environment .and along with this situation you will be able to help you.

   Meditation is a technique that can also fix the spin. Canada can also fix it. a miracle can also do  .you can also fix your relationship. you can wealthy .your confidence can also be broken .all this can be carefully .but it will take a little longer .you will have to keep pace.


    Meditation waking up your showing power to fulfil your mind. According to science, we use our rain at 2 meditation, it is the process of helping in the dirty.



Type of meditation 

1• transcendental meditation 

2• kundalini meditation 

3• Gratitude  meditation 

4•yoga meditation 

5• finish meditation 

6• sensing meditation 

7• Guideline meditation 

  Is easy and simple meditation -

   By keeping your head bone, keeping your nack sit-in any calm or lie down or standing it as you can make you meditation. 

   1• Before the sub meditation choose a quiet wake up so that you do not need to get a violation so that there is on the dish top in the meditation.

2• morning time is considered good for meditation.

3• keep the mobile away at the time of the meditation.

4• sitting in a convenient stage for the meditation room, which can be moving for a long time.

5• Do not eat food before doing the meditation, you will start sleeping and make me the same on the empty stomach.

6• keep smail lightly on your face during the meditation.

7 • During the meditation, take a long breath to breathe so that the muscles become quiet.


     Meditation is a bit difficult to do in the sunlight round. But we teach him to practice wise .so practice for 2to 5 minutes on the last day. and then it can gradually take time.


    Due to the meditation, leave your mind open and go deeper into your breath and filing. Do not try to see something after closing your seems to be painful in your body. after closing the eyes, just and only your mind is to the away from the audience of the world's view and considered.



Meditation benefits 

    There are countless benefits from doing the mentally as will as body benefits, even better benefits.

*  It provides you mind clam.

* It can thing of you to increase 2 times.

* Increases mental concentration.

* your anger calms down behaviour.

* meditation increases the communication of energy inside you.

* Enjoyment can be experienced in every moment of life in meditation.

* in the meditation you can find control over your mind and desires.

*In the meditation you develop a personality.

* By doing meditation, there is a crime to keep your patience within you.

* In the meditation, confidence in your increases.

* meditation is both active in the heart and mind.

* if you do meditation, you stop your age.

* you can remain disease-free of tax.

* if you make meditation to you, you remove the weak mind and forget the problem.

* if you do meditation and yoga then you will not need the medicine.

* meditation stress is also killed. 


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