Top 5 Spiritual Questions.

1 What is the real strength of our feelings?

 If there is no emotion inside a human being, then you cannot call it human.  Those who say that emotions are obstacles in the path of spiritual progress will tell the next thing that your mind and body are also a hindrance.  In a way, it is true.  Your body, mind, emotions, and energy, all these things can either become an obstacle in your life or these things can also become a step ahead in life.  It all depends on how you use them.  Your feelings are no different from the thoughts going on in your mind.  You feel as you think. 

 Thoughts are dry and emotions are juicy.  Mind and emotions are not the problems.  Yes, it is just that when the feelings become uncontrollable, it is called insanity.  Bhakti is a way to make your feel beautiful.  If you are constantly angry, frustrated, desperate, full of hate, will it be beneficial for you?  No.  But, if you make your feelings full of joy, kindness, and love, then it will definitely be beneficial for you.

2 What is the relationship between life and death?  


Once someone asked me, 'Sadhguru, how do snakes die, because we never see dead snakes unless someone has killed them, especially the cobra?  'Actually, when they know that they have to die now, they go quietly to their shelter or to a secluded, quiet place and do not eat anything for 18-20 days.  They die peacefully there.  A creeping creature also has an awareness of how long the body should stay and when it should go?  In the same way, you and everyone life also know when he should leave the body?  Either our body is spoiled or it no longer has the intensity required to sustain life.

 As long as it is here, we will try our best to save it, because every creature around it also wants that life, but when it wants to go, then we should respect it because now it has decided to go.  We should accept death as a part of our life.  We are not wishing for death, but when it comes, we should learn to go through it with decency.  The last thing you do in your life is to die.  Is it not important that you also do this work decently?  Isn't it also important that the people around us, when it comes time for them to leave, help them to go decently?

3 Who has been called the month of Rehmatas and what is its significance?

  One of the five pillars of Islam is the observance of the month of Ramadan.  It is obligatory (obligatory) to keep fast on every Aqil (possessing wisdom) and adult Muslim during the month of Ramadan.  Rosa is not the name of being hungry from dawn to dusk, but it creates takva (divine fear) and refusal (sobriety) in a human being.  Rosa makes a person feel hungry and thirsty, and saves them from evil deeds, and motivates them to the noble cause.  The Quran says - O believers!

 Rozas was made compulsory on you, just as you were mandated on people before you so that you become a God-fearing person.  (2: 183) The Holy Qur'an descended only in the month of Ramadan.  The Quran says - Quran was launched in the month of Ramadan to guide the people.  This Qur'an clearly tells the truth and untruth with the evidence.  (2: 183) The last prophet of Islam, Muhammad Sahab (Sall.), Said that when Ramadan begins, the doors of heaven are opened and the doors of hell are closed.  At the same time, Satan is imprisoned.

4 Who has been considered as the basis of entertainment in our scriptures? 

 Mana ka Ranjan, but here the art side is often becoming secondary in entertainment.  Kahane Ko Radio - TV is the most entertaining medium, but in the name of entertainment there are never-ending serials like Bhonde Latife, Naag - Naagin, Saas - Bahu.  The emphasis is on showing feats of elasticity of body parts and sinister crime stories in place of soulful traditional dances.  Think, is this why young people are not becoming increasingly depressed?  

The arts have been associated not only with the colors but also with festive religiosity.  The mind is enchanted by the light of the arts in entertainment.  In our rich tradition of drama, the presence of the Vipakas was an ever-expanding base of healthy entertainment.  In a passage from the popular metaphor of Sanskrit Natya literature, 'Mruthakatikam', the king says to the clown, 'Tell the story.  'He starts the story and says, there is a king named Bahadat.  A city named Karipatya.  The king reforms, the fool, the king art critic Kampala, the city badatta.  The clown stings it many times.  So the king falls asleep.

 In "Sahasra Rajni Charitra", the king kills a woman by night. One day the daughter of the king's general secretary herself goes to the king at the urging. She starts telling the story to the king at night. Till dawn, she tells the story every night  At such a point that the king cannot live without listening to it. The story is a story. Another story in the story. The sequence of stories that begins in this way continues continuously. And one day the king changes his heart  The stories of 'Katha Saritsagar' are also no less entertaining. In Vishnu Sharma's Panchatantra, silly Rajputs are also engrossed in policy messages through the tales of animal animals.

Puzzles have been our big base here. Ever.  Dardi told sixteen kinds of puzzles in 'Kavyadarsha'. It is said that later Amir Khusro coined 'Buzha Paheli' and 'Bin Bujha Paheli'. Music, dance, theatrical arts are the basis of healthy entertainment. Also because of their historical, Is a mythological, religious context and no society can move forward by losing the cultural context.  Should not the arts be a big basis of entertainment in the radio medium?

5 What is the relationship between compassion and happiness? 

Rame and compassion are two opposite poles. When negative emotions develop, we can not see reality. When we need to decide and anger is dominated on the mind, then it is likely that we will make the wrong decision. No one wants to decide, but the part of the wit and the brain is the difference in the right - wrong, it does not work properly at the time of anger. Even the great leaders have also experienced this. Keeping in mind, compassion and affection help the brain more work easily. Compassion gives us inner power.

This gives us confidence, which is less fear. In this way, our mind is also calm. In the modern era, we think excessively about external development, but remain sad. It is clear that the external development is not enough. Actually, happiness and satisfaction should be in. The basic elements for him are compassion and affection. Success can not be experienced in life without developing compassion in life. To avoid anger and place compassion in nature.


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