How to stop hair loss naturally?

 How to stop hair loss naturally - onion juice for hair growth remedy



How to stop hair loss naturally
How to stop hair loss naturally - onion juice for hair growth remedy



A myriad of factors causes hair loss, and as such, there's not a one size fit all solution available. With that being said, there are several home remedies that work very well to mitigate hair loss while providing an environment that promotes hair growth. This article will provide you with one of the best home remedies for hair growth and thickness.


I should preface this section by saying that no remedies or potions can help you if you do not take the necessary steps to protect your hair from damage. This means that you should only use natural and chemical-free products, refrain from using hair dryers, curling irons, etc. Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals such as biotin, zinc, and vitamin B's.


Now let's take about the natural home remedy you can use to naturally stop hair loss and promote hair growth.


#1 - Onion Juice


There are hundreds of YouTubers that swear by this remedy. If you search on YouTube for "onion juice for hair," you'll find quite a number of videos showing before and after results of massive hair growth.


But why does onion juice help with hair growth?


There are a few reasons why onion juice can provide you with amazing hair growth results. Firstly, it is rich in dietary sulfur, which is a key ingredient in the optimal production of proteins and enzymes.


This means that onion juice plays an important role in the development of new hair strands since the protein keratin is made from sulfur, which onion juice provides.


Secondly, onion juice is a rich source of antioxidants. So by adding it to your scalp, it helps to protect your hair from free radical damage, which could otherwise cause hair loss.


Here's How To Use The Onion Juice Hair Growth Remedy:


You'll Need:


1. A blender or grater

2. A cheesecloth

3. Organic Coconut Oil

4. A mason jar or container with a cover

Preparing The Juice:

Step #1 - Using a blender - Chop about 3 large onions and place the chunks into the blender. (If you have a nutribullet, this will work best.)


Add 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil to the onion chops inside the blender and then blend until you get a thick liquid.


Using a grater - (If you don't have a blender) Grater the 3 onions using the finest part of the grater until you have a fine puree into a bowl, then add the 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix well with a spoon.


Step #2 - Pour the onion juice and coconut oil mixture into the cheesecloth over a bowl to strain and remove large debris.


Step #3 - You should now have a clear liquid that you should place in a container with a lid (mason jar) that is good for up to two weeks.


Step #4 - BONUS - you can add an essential oil such as peppermint or lavender to help combat the smell of the onions.

How to stop hair loss naturally



How To Use The Remedy:


Step #1 - Firstly, wash your hair with a mild, preferably organic shampoo to remove dirt and grease from your hair.


Step #2 - using a cotton ball or dropper, add the onion juice you just prepared to your scalp and use your fingertips to massage it in to make sure it penetrates every part of your head.


Step #3 - Put on a shower cap and let the juice stay in your hair for at least 60 minutes.


Step #4 - Wash and rinse your hair thoroughly.


That's it!


Using this remedy, a lot of persons have reported growth of up to two inches in their first 30 days. However, if you wish to see similar results, you must be consistent with your application. It is recommended that you use this remedy a minimum of 3 times per week for best results.





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