How to stay physically and mentally fit during lockdown?

How to stay physically and mentally fit during a lockdown?


     The last few months had been very crazy. I'm sure none of us has ever imagined witnessing a global pandemic. This is the time staying at home, literally saving a life.


     During this crazy time, we should do serious self-care. All people are feeling sad, lonely, anxious, which is completely understandable. Fear and anxiety circling the covid-19 outbreak have trapped people at home. Added to the fear of contracting the virus in a pandemic are the significant changes to our daily lives as our movements are restricted in support of efforts to slow down the spread of the virus.


People had stopped doing their daily workouts, which hindered their mental and physical health. Being active can boost your immune function. So, don't let coronavirus wreak your anxiety havoc on your daily exercise routine. Faced with new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact, it is important to look after our physical and mental health. Here I'm sharing some tips to be physically and mentally fit.


Tips to stay physically fit.

Physical activity improves your health as it releases endorphins that boost your mood and reduces stress. "Exercise boosts levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. It gives you a good feeling about being in control in uncontrollable situations", said Duane Mildr, Workforce health coach.


(1) Put some music on and walk briskly around the house for 10-15 two to three times a day, as it will stretch out your body and freshen up your mood.

(2) Dance to your favorite song or Jump rope(if you don't have any joint pain).

(3) Play active games with your family like ludo, chess, cards. It will cheer up your mood, which is when you can spend some good quality time with your family.

(4) Download a strength workout app to your smartphone, such as a 7-minutes workout(no equipment).

(5) Do some simple squats.

(6) Move your body for 5-mins every hour to counteract inactivity during the lockdown.

(7) Take a good nutritious diet. Do not lay upon chips, ice cream, or any junk food. Eat fresh fruits, veggies, yogurt.


Tips to stay mentally fit.

Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to perceived or real threats and, at times, when facing uncertainty. So it is understandable that people experiencing fear in the context of a covid-19 pandemic.

(1)Take time to engage in relaxing activities like reading, writing, painting, or doing something creative.

(2) Put down your smartphones. Take breaks from social media and the news. Give your mind a chance to disconnect. Set limits on how long you check the news. You can stay informed without getting overwhelmed.

(3)Take a deep breath. Take a step back and give yourself space to process your feelings. Consider doing some yoga or meditation.


(4) Spend time with your loved ones and your family by staying at home.

(5) Plan your daily routine as it will help you stay focused on your goals, and it will help reduce your anxiety.

(6) Reach out for help if you need it. Don't hesitate to seek professional help if you think you need it. Help-lines can also be a source of support.

(7) Do not fail to pressurized to be productive. We should keep this sentence in mind, "This too shall pass."

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