How to put on, use and dispose off face mask properly?

The surgical face mask is a bad fit for COVID-19 risk reduction. While the government and hospitals have reinforced this policy of wearing a face masks, many healthcare and medical practitioners are unaware of handling masks properly.

When I walk past through hospitals and public areas, my eyes moved from mask-wearing people, I wondered: What is happening here? People were touching the front (contaminated surface) of the mask while talking, eating, or drinking. Wearing a mask might help to prevent the spread of respiratory infections, but if not discard or worn correctly it can also become a source of infection.

There is plenty of wrong and the right way to use face masks to fight against coronavirus. Healthcare settings and public health staff should provide proper guidelines for wearing masks.

When should a face mask be worn?

Consider wearing a face mask when you are in public and sick with sneezing or cough illness.

Who shouldn’t wear face masks?

According to the WHO and CDC, face masks aren’t for children under age 2, people with breathing problems, and unconscious who can’t take one off without help.

How to wear a face mask?

Follow the instructions below while wearing a mask:

Clean your hands with hand sanitizer or preferably with soap and water before touching the mask. Remove a mask from the box with clean hands. Determine the front side of the mask. There is a great misconception of wearing the mask in the right way. 

According to health sciences authority, the white side is actually an absorbent material. Whiteside of the mask is the absorbent layer and catches more virus particles leaving your body. Then scientifically, the white side out should catch more viruses or infectious particles trying to get in.                                                     

Hold the mask by the ear loops. Place a loop around each ear. Mold the rigid edge according to the shape of your nose. Pull the mask and properly cover the face and nose.Correct way of wearing mask

How to remove a face mask?

Clean your hands with hand sanitizer or preferably with soap and water before touching the mask. Never touch the front of the mask. The front of the mask is usually contaminated. Only touch the ear loops. Hold both of the ear strips or loops and remove the mask. Throw the mask in the trash. Clean your hands properly with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds.                                                 

How to wash your hands properly?

Remember to properly sanitize or wash your hands before and after touching the mask. Clean your hand with a hand sanitizer for 30 seconds. Simply washing the hands will not be effective to prevent infection. Wash your hand properly for 20-30 seconds according to the scientific guidelines.

According to the WHO and FDA, there are 7 steps of hand hygiene: 1. Wet your hands and apply enough soap to create a good lather. 2. Rub Palms Together. 3. Rub the Back of Hands. 4. Interlink Your Fingers. 5. Cup Your Fingers. 6. Clean the Thumbs. 7. Rub Palms with Your Fingers.

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Healthcare Scientist and Content Writer