How To Give Your Hair A Proper Care

Which girl or woman in the world doesn't love her hair? Hair is the beauty of every women. Women take care of their hair like their precious gem and when it starts to damage, thats when they all rush to the internet seeking for tips and tricks to protect their hair. 

In this article you will come across many tips that are very easy to follow to protect your hair from any damage and boost hair growth.

1. Oiling Your Hair

I remember when I was in school my mom would oil my hair regularly and I used to hate it saying it dosen't look good and stylish. I didn't like oiling my hair at all. I'm sure many out there would agree with me. But now I just love to oil my hair on a regular basis. As we grow we start understanding the importance of oiling the hair. Yes, most commonly used coconut oil is the best for hair. It nourishes your hair and if your hair is dry it acts like a moisturizer. 

Its just like when a dry ground receives rain. Before washing your hair, oiling and massaging improves blood circulation on the scalp and gives radiant shine to your hair. It also heals the split ends. You can use any oil like olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil.

Best thing is to apply warm oil once in a while to your hair and cover it with a towel. This helps the oil to do magic to your hair.

2. Wash Your Hair

Washing your hair regularly is the best practice because this keeps the hair and scalp clean from all dirt due to pollution and excess oil. But it too depends on your hair type. If your hair is too dry you can wash it twice a week but if your scalp is too oily you should wash it every alternate days to keep it clean. Too much oil on the scalp attracts too much dirt too. So always keep your scalp clean for it to breathe.

3. Use Chemical Free Shampoos

You cannot avoid the environmental factors that damage your hair but be wife in choosing shampoos that have less chemicals and suit your hair. Less chemicals in your shampoo will lead to healthy hair. Choose gentle shampoos.

4. Proper Conditioning Of Hair

Every women love to have manageable hair. Conditioners are the product that make your hair manageable. There are lot of properties of a conditioner. They protect the hair from styling heats. As we all know, conditioners should be applied only on the tips of the hair and not on the scalp. Also you must rinse it thoroughly after application. Conditioning is a must for hair care. Do invest in a good hair conditioner.

5. Dry And Style Your Hair Naturally

We all live in a fast world, so we use heating tools to dry and style our hair even though we know its effect on the hair. Blow drying makes your hair stylish and beautiful like an on-screen model but it damages the hair adversely. You can limit its use for any important event if you want to style.

Never comb wet hair because that causes a lot of hairfall. Dry your hair with a soft towel but be gentle do not rub hair harshly.

Style your hair naturally for  those beautiful curls. You can achieve them without using heat. You simply need to use two socks and braid your hair into two parts, twist them and bring them to the top of your head and leave them overnight and in the morning slowly untie them and there you will see lovely curls formed naturally. Try this trick.

6. Eat Healthy And Drink Plenty Of Water

What goes in your body is reflected out either on the skin or hair. So a proper diet is very very necessary. All the above tips were outward care. Hair is made up of proteins and amino acids. Proper nutrients help in the proper growth of the hair. 

Best form of proteins are eggs,fish, green leafy, berries, nuts, sweet potatoes for healthy hair. Just like oiling outward nourishes and moisturizes the hair, internally too hydration is required. So drinking plenty of water ensures good hair health.

All these tips are very simple and easy to follow. Do make it a practice and follow them so that your hair turns beautiful and remains beautiful.

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