How to Deal with a Snake Bite?

Sometimes Snakebites either venomous or nonvenomous are proved very fatal. So proper guidance to deal with snakebite is an essential tool for the wellbeing of the community.



Management of snakebite

1.History Taking

Description of snakebite with respect to time and place should be detailed to the doctor. Signs and symptoms since snakebite should be described in detail. 



2. Examination by A doctor

The doctor should follow the following examination steps to deal with the snakebite

Detailed examination of the bite site

Repeated neurological examination

Repeated check-up of natural orifices for bleeding.



3.Diagnosis of Snakebite

The diagnosis is done on the basis of the following criteria

1.Findings of Fang marks

2.Symptoms and signs raising the suspicion of snakebite.

3.Laboratory tests done on aqueous washing obtained from the bite area

4.Cholinesterase is present in washing in cases of elapid bites. Thromboplastin in sample reveals a viper bite In sea snakebite, hyperkalemia is detected at ECG. Clotting time and bleeding time are also helpful.




1. Allaying Anxiety and Fright

Reassure the patient that all snakes are not poisonous and even if poisonous they may not be fully charged with the venom or may not inject the lethal dose. It is important to step in the sense that many of the patients die due to neurogenic shock caused by the anxiety of being bitten by a snake.



2. First Aid

Prevention of spread of venom is primary measures to be taken by the following technique

1. Immobilization

2. If the bite is on any limb apply a tourniquet 5cm towards the heart tight enough but two fingers may slide under the tourniquet

3. Remove the tourniquet for1mm after every 30minutes so that little amount of venom can enter the circulation where it can be destroyed.

4. If the bite is on the face, neck or trunk apply firm pressure over the bite.



2.Cut and Suction Technique

1.Make incision across the wound area and suction done with the mouth [only if there is no injury or ulcer in the mouth and also sucker should spit the saliva] or breast pump

2. wash the wound with plenty of water



3.Cold Pack Method

Cold packs are placed over the wound to cause vasoconstriction and a decrease in circulation.



4.Shift the Victim to the Medical Center

The medical center is the ultimate place for the recovery and satisfaction of the victim. Here the patient may be given antivenin. The doctor on duty receives the patient and he may give the placebo injunction to relieve the anxiety of the patient. All the previous steps described can be taken into the medical facility for the early and satisfactory recovery of the patient.



General Measures taken in medical Facility are;

1. Artificial Respiration

2.Blood Transfusion

3.Antihistamine, adrenaline, the corticosteroid can be given to reduce the local allergic reaction


5.In Viper cases, heparin 15000 unit is given as we all know that viper is vascular toxic so it may cause profuse bleeding from the bite site and natural orifices. 

6.In cases of Elapids, Neostigmine 0.5mg intravenous is given because elapid is musculo toxic snake.

7. anti-gas gangrene serum is given

8.Antibiotics and tetanus vaccination are taken to reduce the probability of superinfection on the wound site

7.Fluid and electrolyte balance is a vital step in any hospitalized patient



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Sidra Abbas - Mar 18, 2021, 8:59 PM - Add Reply

very elaborative and well explained. keep the good work

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Munawar Hussain - Mar 19, 2021, 4:56 AM - Add Reply

thank you, dear

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I am a medical doctor in South Asia Largest Hospital.